Wednesday, December 29, 2010
'Transformers' has huge debut, 'Up' passes 'Star Trek' - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
"Transformers" brought in an estimated $112,000,000o over the weekend, and an estimates $201,246,000 since the movie's debut According to a report onthe site, it was the second-largesr five-day debut in history, trailing only "The Dark Knight." The movied was shown on abourt 10,000 screens at 4,234 sites, according to the report. Another new releass over the weekend, ' "My Sister's came in fifth at the box officw duringthe weekend, bringing in an estimatedx $12,030,000. Last week's number-one movie, Disney's "The fell to the second spot, bringing in an estimated $18,466,000. Warne Bros.
' "The Hangover" and came in third and fourth, bringing in an estimates $17,215,000 and $13,046,000, respectively. In overal box-office revenue for the summer, theres was a shake up at the top, with passing "Star Trek." The top five overall movie s for the year to and their estimatedreceiptas are: "Up" -- $250,218,000 "Star Trek" -- $246,225,000 Revenge of the Fallen" -- $201,246,000 "Monsteras vs.
Aliens" -- $195,971,000 "The Hangover" -- $183,247,000p Of the top it looks like "The Hangover" has the most bang for the as its budget wasonly $35,000,000, compared with the other which had budgets of at leasy $150,000,000.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tampa group wins $4.2M condo foreclosure - Boston Business Journal:
million foreclosure judgment against the owner of the Villagwe at WestMiami Condominium. Developer Fountain Star Investment Group of Miami owns 21 units in the building at5984 S.W. 8th St. (Tamiam Trail) in West Only five units were sold. filed a foreclosured lawsuit against the developer in 2008 overa $3.5 millio delinquent mortgage. While the case was the bank sold the mortgageto Tampa-based CRP II-Fountain Star. That company is managed by Community ReinvestmenftPartners II, a distressed real estate fund started by Forge Capitalk Partners and DeBartolo Development, both of Tampa. The Web site for CRP II said it has raisexd morethan $85 million from investors, including Regionse Bank.
An official at Forge Capital didn’t immediatelyt return a call seeking comment. The public auction of the 21 unitd in the Village at West Miami is setfor Nov. 13 at 11 a.m. at the Miami-Dadde County Courthouse. However, CRP II-Fountain Star likely will have the inside track to acquire the property because it holdsthe
Friday, December 24, 2010
First IMA University focuses on economy, downtown development - Wichita Business Journal:
David Strohm says the United States likely will pull out of the recession later this year or inearlyt 2010. When that happens, he says, the grosz domestic product might only grow 1to 1.5 percent, compared to the 4 or 5 percentt from previous recessions. “Fodr the time being, it lookws like you want to be optimistivc and cautious at thesame time,” he Strohm was one of two featurexd speakers during ’s 2009 economif update. Jeff Fluhr, president of the also spokse aboutthe city’s efforts to revitalize downtown. IMA has sponsore similar events in its othe markets and wanted to bring the programto Wichita, says Kurt IMA’s president and chief operations officer.
“It’e our intent to bring in speakerse that we think the Wichita community wouldbenefit from,” Watsonb says. IMA plans to sponsor similar presentation s throughoutthe year. Strohm says the recessionm already has lasted longer than the previousd 10 economic downturns and pulling out ofit hasn’t been The federal government has spent billions of dollarsa to stimulate the economy, but consumersx still are reluctant to spend, Strohmm says. The GDP has dropped dramaticallyt and businesses are stiloshedding jobs. Strohm predicts the national unemploymengt rate, which currently sits at 8.9 to climb above 10 percenr before the recessionis over.
The housinh market has rebounded, but stillp is a ways off where one in eight mortgages are in Strohm says. California, Florida, Nevada and Arizonaq combine to account for 46 percen ofall U.S. foreclosures. However, pending home saleas are up 6.7 percent for April, the thirc straight increase, which means peopl are showing more interest in buying homes because of favorable interes ratesand first-time home buyer tax credits. “Ifr we can get the housing issue off the frontpage (of then the economy is goint to generate some forward momentum,” Strohm says.
He says the stocjk market has rebounded inrecent months, but it wouls take 227 percent growth to get it back to its previou s high. Despite all the negative, Strohm emphasized the economy has showed signs recently that the recessiobn may be nearingan end. Fluhr’s presentation, had a slightly different He says he sees great potential fordowntownb development. Investing in downtown, he will help increase jobs, tourismn and revenue opportunities in the Wichita The WDDC and the city are pushing for more privatwe sector investmentin downtown, particularly in the area of residential Several developers, including Dave are working on projects that could add a combinec 300 more apartment units downtown.
Fluhr says havinv people living in the condosz has spurred interest indowntown “That’s one of the building blocks for out he says. Additionally, several street project are helping to improve the area arounsdthe , Fluhr says. The WDDC and the city are workinvg on developing a capital improvement plan for downtow n and have generated morethan $450,009 toward that effort. By Friday, the city hoped to release the required qualifications for firms interesting in biddingg on the capitalimprovement “This is a great city with a lot of potential,” Fluhr “As we look at this we want to be very competitivee (with other cities).
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Ericsson Buys Mobile SPIT Specialist - Light Reading
Ericsson Buys Mobile SPIT Specialist Light Reading Ericsson AB (Nasdaq: ERIC) has acquired mobile network optimization system specialist Optimi for an undisclosed sum to boost its multi-vendor network ... |
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Fred Weber wins $4M Mississippi River Bridge contract - Jacksonville Business Journal:
awarded Fred Weber a $4.44 million contract Wednesday to remove and replace the Madisom Streetand St. Louis Avenud bridges over Interstate 70 indowntown St. Louis. The majority of work on this projecy will start afterHighway 40/Interstate 64 reopens between Kingshighway and Interstate 170. Crews will remove the St. Louis Avenue bridgr first and then remove and replace the MadisonStreegt bridge. During work to remover the MadisonStreet bridge, crews will also removes the Cass Avenue bridge in preparatio for replacing that bridge later in 2010. This work is part of preliminargy work on a new Mississippiriver bridge, whicy is expected to reduce congestion on the Poplad Street Bridge.
Maryland Heights, Mo.-based Fred Weber is one of the largesg privately held companiesin St. Louis with $353.3 million in revenues in 2008. The commercial construction firm is also working onthe $245 millionb reconstruction of AmerenUE’s Taum Sauk Reservoir in Johnson’s Shut-Ins state park and is part of Gatewa Constructors, the consortium of contractors performing $535 million wort h of improvements on Highway 40/Interstate 64.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Gehl secures new 2-year credit pact - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The agreement with U.S. bank lenders provides for a total credit commitmentof $105 million and a term of 24 The credit line consists of an $80 millionn revolving line based on North American inventories and accounts receivable and a term loan of $25 millio payable in quarterly installments. The credi t pact replaces the company's October 2006 $125 million unsecured credit facility. As part of the amendede credit agreement, Gehl Co. has granted to its bank lenders a securit interest in all of its NorthAmerican assets.
The amender credit agreement addresses matters that gave rise to an Aprilo 16 forbearance agreement with the lender group that rescinds and withdraws a notice of debt repayment deliveredc onMarch 31. That agreementy with lenders extended the repaymentof $117 millionm in debt under a revolvingv credit agreement, which serves as the company's principall source of liquidity. Gehl said it has significantlhy reduced its outstanding borrowings using operatingg cash flows created in part by the cost savings initiativee implemented over thepast months.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Unimpressed Cincinnati critics: Banks lacks
Jack Rouse said it would be better to halt the developmentalong Cincinnati’a riverfront than to proceed with a designb he called “remarkably boring.” “I firmlh believe it’s better to do nothinhg than to do the wrong thing,” said CEO of , which designs theme parks and cultural He was chairman of the now-defunctg that created the vision for the Bankd back in 1999. “Because ‘nothing’ can be corrected,” Rouse “The wrong thing can’t.” Rouss isn’t alone in his criticism.
Memberz of also worry the current design lacksthe “wow they want after waiting so long for the And the chairman of ’s economic development committe said he thinks the design needs work, too. “I am disappointed,” said Dick chairman of the Urban Design Review Boardand co-directo of , an Over-the-Rhine arts “I’m going to withhold my approval until I feel there is something more exciting.
” The boarrd gave the Atlanta-based development team of and the preliminaryg approval during a work session April 16 for the project’s first phase after several sessions where the board aske d developers to make Rosenthal said the developers have been addressing the board’s concernas but have resisted making some suggestedc changes, arguing it woul d add to the project’s cost. “There were commentsd such as, ‘Board members were comfortable withthe ‘Pleased with the design,’” Rosenthal said of the Aprio 16 meeting. “What was never utterex was, ‘Wow that looks great!
’ Or, ‘This is really The design for the project is a work in AndBailey Pope, vice president of design and construction at the Dawson Co., said this firsyt phase aims to “respect” the iconicd architecture of the nearby and the . At the same Pope said, the residential and retail developmenr is intended tobe “an extension of the urban fabri c of downtown that creates the background of this urbam neighborhood.” “If you try to make a landscapwe where every building is a landmark, you end up with or the Vegas strip,” he said.
Pope said the design team has a more striking design for the office building proposed for thefirsft phase, saying the office tower will have “morr of a landmark quality.” But Rouse said the communithy has a right to expect more. “It’s bad,” he said of the “It’s great that they’re building the And looking at a slab of concreted is better than looking at a pile of But if you want to havea world-class city, you’dd better have a world-class front door. It’s our postcard.” Rouse suggested an architectural competition isin order. But Pope said the developmentr team neverconsidered that.
“For this developmen to be successfuland sustainable, it has to really hold to a businessa plan, and so the desigh is always driven by a purpose,” Pope said. “Oftentimed in a design competition, the art exceedd the purpose. In certain civic structures, you can do that. But we’rw doing functional buildings.” Pope likene the residential and retaill buildings being designed for the first phase to the contribution his daughter makess playing viola in her highschool orchestra. “Whem you listen to the viola by itself, it nevet makes any sense,” he said.
“But when you put it withih thewhole orchestra, it gives the richness that createse the symphonic sound. The wow factor, that’d the violin. We will have the But right now, we’re working on the violaq part.” Other members of the city’s Urban Designh Review Board said they certainlyhope so. Paul principal with and a member of the stressed thatthe board’s approva l last week was for a schematic The design must get two more approvals as it
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Grede Foundries files for bankruptcy protection - Business First of Columbus:
Wayzata Investment Partners LLCof Wayzata, Minn., an SEC-registerede investment adviser and manager of private investment fundes with more than $5 billion in has offered to provide a $45 million temporary loan facility to allow time for an orderly sale underd the supervision of the Bankruptcyu Court. Since 1992, Wayzata has invested more than $12 billio n in more than 600 investments. The filing, made Tuesday in the U.S.
Bankruptcyu Court for the Western Districtof Wisconsin, was driven by the impact of the current economic downturn on the companyh and its customers, particularly the automotive industry, said Richarf Koenings chairman of the board of directors for Wauwatosa-based The reorganization and assegt sale is expected to position the company for a turnarounf as the country emerges from the most difficulf economic period it has seen in generations, he “The significant deterioration in the automotivw and construction industries and the resulting impacyt on our company and the foundryh industry in general require that we take this strategix action,” Koenings said.
“We have carefullhy explored many options, and believd a sale to a strongv financial backer like Wayzat is the best way to effectively proceede in what has been an exceedinglyydifficult marketplace.” Koenings stressed that Grede Foundries remains in business and that jobs will remai during the transition. “Thi move gives us the time to restructure while we continue to do businessz and operateour plants,” he said. “Grede will continue to buy goodas and services fromits vendors, support its work forc and provide its customers with the same qualith products and service they’ve come to expect from us.
Our goal is to preservee and strengthen our business so that we can compete successfullyy inthe future.” Wayzata has also agreed to make the first bid, often called a “stalkingg horse” bid, for Grede. “Wayzata’w commitment shows their belief in the strength of the Gredse name and its respected position in the foundry Koenings said. Sales of businesses in bankruptcyu proceedings are often structured where one companyh makes the initial bid foranother company’s Under rules approved by the court, higher offersd from third parties can be submitted as competinv bids.
The “stalking horse” arrangement helps ensure that Gredwe receives the best valu for its assets and allows for offers that are best for the creditores while preserving the business companymanagement said. Grede said that it has alreadh received inquiries from other parties that are interestedin Grede’sa production capacity. Koenings said Gredwe expects the sale and related biddin g process to move steadily throughj thecourt system. “We are deeply committed to doing everythingv necessary to put our company on solid footing as the natiomn begins to rise out of the worst economic conditionsd since theGreat Depression,” he said.
“Our customeres very clearly want us to succeed and have been very Grede announced in May that it had laid off 81 employee s from its foundry in Wauwatosz since the endof January. In April, the company revealed plans to close its foundrhyin Greenwood, S.C.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
San Diego State may be the best team on the West Coast -
Kansas City Star | San Diego State may be the best team on the West Coast The Aztecs are making their presence known, not just in Berkeley but » |
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Carter man convicted for sexual abuse of a child - KSFY
Carter man convicted for sexual abuse of a child KSFY The charges stem from incidents in which Frederick knowingly and intentionally sexually abused a child under the age of 12 between 2002 and 2003 in Todd ... |
Saturday, December 4, 2010
UC Davis Med Center earns Level 1 designation - Sacramento Business Journal:
The American College of Surgeons awarded the Levelp 1 trauma centerdesignation – one of 112 but less than 20 meet the requirement for both adults and children. In orderr to meet the requirement, Level 1 traumas centers must admit atleast 1,20o0 patients per year. UC Davis admitted 2,836 patients in making it one of thebusiest nationwide. UC Davis Medical Center chief executive officer Ann Maddenn Rice said the hospitalhas “achieved what few othersz have done.
This is a terrific achievement, and reflects the hard work and high qualituy of themany physicians, nurseds and ancillary staff who make our trauma centers an indispensabler resources for the Sacramento and Northern California region.” The medical center serves about 6 millioh people in a 33-count region. Level 1 trauma centers are requiredf to have a certain number of surgeons and specialists including anesthesiologists, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery and orthopaedic surgery – available for round-the-clock Level 1 center must also have education and research programs as well as communityy prevention and outreach programs.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Lightspeed Venture Partners Company Profile | Company Information
Israel and Asia and has contributeds strong operational and sector expertise to market leaders such asBlue Nile, Ciena, eHealthinsurance, Galileo Technology, Informatica, Kiva Software,, Quantum Effect Sirocco and Waveset, working closely with these companies throughout the earlyh stages of their business developmen t lifecycles. Because we focus on investmentss inspecific sectors, portfolio companies benefi t from Lightspeed's specialized industry knowledge and deep global networ of relationships.
Areas of investment focusd includethe following: - Datacenter Infrastructure - Enterprise Automatiob - Digital Media and Consumer Electronics - Communicationws Infrastructure - Internet and E-Commerce - Semiconductors - Cleantecbh - Services/Other Lightspeed's hallmark is lead earlg stage investing, including an active seed investment program. We are prour of the fact that a number of executivee with whom we have partnered in the past have chosej Lightspeed as the lead investor for theirsubsequent ventures. We take a team approach to investing with two partners dedicateed to eachportfolio company.
Because we are active lead investora with an emphasison quality, not portfolio companies receive a high level of attentio n and support, independent of location...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Ritz-Carlton Denver names new GM - Baltimore Business Journal:
Andrew Rogers comes to the 1881Curtis St. hotel from the Ritz-Carltobn Kapalua in Hawaii, where he oversaw the resort’ds $170 million re-launch. Before then, Rogers served as resort manager forthe Ritz-Carlton Club in St. U.S. Virgin Islands, and director of golf operationd forthe Ritz-Carlton in Rose Jamaica. Before beginning his employment for in Rogers workedin ’s golf division at threr separate resorts.
He hold s a bachelor of science in marketing from Ferris State University and has a wife andtwo “My family and I are excited to be in a city as wonderfulp as Denver and I look forward to becoming part of the Rogers said in a news The Ritz-Carlton Denver property includes 202 guesft rooms spread over 14 floors, a spa and Elway’s Downtown
Friday, November 26, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Bone leery: Boomers putting off orthopedic treatment - Boston Business Journal:
Dr. Scott Oliver, an orthopedic surgeon at Jordanb Hospitalin Plymouth, said his department had four orthopedic surgeriesz canceled just last week. He said one patientt who cancelled ownsan air-conditioning business and was afraidf to miss work. Another patient, who did have was told she risked losing her job ifshe didn’ft return within six weeks, which was shorter than the recommende recovery period. Oliver reports that his overall volumer is down20 percent, and other surgeonse say they are hearing of similar especially at smaller hospitals.
According to Massachusettx HospitalAssociation numbers, 59 percent of hospitalds are reporting a decline in elective surgeryu for the quarter endinhg March 31. The MHA did not break out numbers fororthopedic “There is definitely a palpable increase in concern over missing work and possibluy losing a job,” said Dr. Danieo Snyder, an orthopedic surgeon at . Traditional knee replacements can require long recoveryy periods of six to12 weeks. “We try to accommodate differengwork schedules.
Landscapers want to do it in the slow accountants want to schedule the surgert for aftertax day,” he The pressure comes as the number of younger, working orthopedixc surgery patients is increasing. For instance, a studty in the journal Public Health Reportsa found that the number of knee replacementa roseby 81.5 percent between 1990 and 2000 and that the grouo with the fastest rate of growth was the 45- to 49-year-olxd age group. The study also found that while Medicarwe remains the most common payer for such the proportion of charges paid for by private insurance has risen 39 percent.
Orthopedic surgeons say that whilwe retired people want to get their surgeriea over with as soonas possible, those with jobs and employer-pair health insurance are asking more “How long is it safe to wait?” Dr. Mark head of the orthopedics departmentat , said that whilse his overall surgery volume is prettyg much flat, he has recently seen a number of cancellationes of procedures — two were knee replacements and the othefr two were sports-related arthroscopic surgeries.
Gebhardt said even for those patient swho aren’t afraid of losing theidr jobs, that for those with employer-based healty insurance, “some are well-covered and some are He pointed to increasing co-paya and deductibles as another reason some patients are putting off procedures. Orthopedic surgeonsw say that when working patientscome in, they are offereds an injection that can help buy them eightg to 12 months. Surgeons like Snyder also offed newer procedures that will help patientw get back towork quicker. Snyder uses a procedure callesd OtisKnee. “Four years ago, I did 30 of thesd procedures. In the past year I have done he said. Dr.
Bill Murzic, a surgeonn at New England Orthopedic Specialistsin Peabody, said he also has seen mostly for knee and shoulder surgeries, amony younger, working patients. He said he has also seen a drop-offv in initial appointments over thelast month. But, he “I have also had a few cases wherd patients have come to meand said, I’m going to lose my job and my can we do the surgery now?
’ ”
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Germany's Baden-wuerttemberg State Charmed By Business Opportunities In Asean ... - Bernama
MSN Singapore | Germany's Baden-wuerttemberg State Charmed By Business Opportunities In Asean ... Bernama FRANKFURT, Nov 23 (Bernama) -- The German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg is very keen to tap opportunities within Asean following the recent ... Minister President of German Federal State on working visit to S'pore Singapore - MFA Press Statement: Working Visit of Minister President of The ... |
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Aussie firm puts 745 Atlantic on the block - Boston Business Journal:
According to published reports, the Sydney, Australia-based real estate investment companyhas $1.4 billion in debt expiring in 2009. Macquarie also is reportedly selling property and raising cash toimprovwe liquidity. Macquarie has owned the 170,306-square-foot property in Boston’s Financialp District since 2004. It is Macquarie’a only property in Massachusetts. The Boston property could sellfor $70 milliom or more, said Michael Smith, managingh director in the Bostom office of , whose firm is marketing the property. Smithh declined to comment on debt tied to 745Atlanticx Ave.
As part of the deal, Macquarie is offerintg the building “as-is” including “attractive in-placde debt that can be assumedor pre-paicd in February of next year,” according to the offering brochure. Many potential buyers have been unwillinb or unable to finance real estate acquisitions due to the lack of affordablw debt inthe market. Owners with maturingf debt are being forced to sell the assetxs or refinance the properties athighef rates. The lack of commerciap property sales this year compared with last is due to the pricr gap between buyersand sellers, Lisa Campolj of said during a market presentation last week.
She said traditionall buyers are tied to the debt causing many to sit on the Offers forthe 11-story property, whicb is 100 percent leased to tenants includin and , were due Wednesday. The property is located acrossz from on the corner of Atlantic Avenue andBeacbh St. in Boston’s Financial It includes 152 undergroundparking spaces.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Embarq, CenturyTel complete $11.6B deal - East Bay Business Times:
Buyer (NYSE: CTL) completed its $11. 6 billion stock and debt purchase ofEmbarq EQ), the companies announcedf early Wednesday. The combined company, , will be based in La., and potentially have $8 billio in annual revenue. It has more than 2.1 million broadbanr customers, 440,000 video subscriberw and 7.5 million access lines in 33 Embarq shareholdersare two-thirds owners of the combinexd company, having received 1.37 CenturyTel shares for each Embar share they owned. The deal included CenturyTe l assuming $5.8 billion in Embarq debt.
The two brandss will be converted graduallyto CenturyLink, a process expectec to conclude later this “The completion of this merger is a significanyt event for our customers, communities, investors and CEO Glen Post III, who had been head of said in the release. “CenturyLink has the advancer networks, the people and the financial stability to delive r the reliable and innovative services that our customers wantand need. We look forwared to this exciting new chapted inour company’s history.
” CenturyLinjk will keep “a significant presence” in the Overland Park though that location wasn’t amongy the regional operating headquarters Las Vegas; Wentzville, Mo.; Orlando, Wake Forest, N.C.; and La Crosse, Wis. Embarq now employzs about 2,800 in the area, down from 4,50p when it spun off from S) in 2006. That drop reflects the sale of Embarq’s logistics unit earlier this year and continual job cuts as the compangy has attempted to keep a lid on costd in anindustry that’s losing core customers to mobilw phones.
The recession has accelerated that trend, and observersd say that could mean deeper and faster cuts than originally anticipated as thecompaniex integrate. By joining, the rural phone companiesz expect to saveaboug $400 million a year in operating and capital expensews by 2011. They expect combinedf operating cash flow of morethan $4.2 billionj and free cash flow of aboutg $1.9 billion. CenturyTel expects to continue its current annual dividendof $2.80 a share. The combination is expected to add to free cash flow per sharein 2010. Sharesa continue to trade under CenturyTel’s ticker symbol.
Embarq CEO Tom Gerke will serve as executive vice chairman of the CenturyLinm board and oversee regulatory and governmental relations andhumah resources. Embarq ranks No. 3 on the Kansaw City Business Journal ’s list of area publicx companies.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
JeffSTAT's medical rescue team now includes helicopter - Philadelphia Business Journal:
, the university's ground medical recently added a medically equipped helicopter andtransportr team, making the air servicde available to all area hospitals. The an EC 135, is owned by Air a publicly traded company basedin Englewood, Colo. Air Methods provides air medicalp transportation services to more than 60 hospitals acroswthe country. Its partnership with Jefferson, which includew Air Methods managing the aviation aspects of the marksthe company's first forah into the Philadelphia area. Jeffersohn annually transports about 400 patientsby air. In the past, it relierd on outside helicopter services.
"The addition of a helicopter to JeffSTAT'sw fleet of vehicles will reduce our dependencwe on other helicopter services that were not alwayws available when weneeded them," said Brian Sweeney, directord of JeffSTAT. Jefferson has added 10 full-time paramedica and nurses for thehelicopter service. The Healt System announced three changes to its management including naming John Buckley as themedical center's new executive director and CEO. Buckleh most recently served as president and CEOof , the parentt company of . He replaces Robert Perry, who had been with the hospitall forfour years. Tom Bielecki has assume d the position of chieffinanciao officer.
He recently came to Temple from ChestnugtHill Healthcare, where he held a number of senior levell positions over the past 25 including executive vice president and CFO. Bielecki replaces Ray Lefton, who had been with the hospital foreight years. Kay Graham of the Temple health systen human resources department has assumed the positiojn of associate hospital director of human resourcezs on an interim Graham replacesDave Williamson, who had been with the hospital for four Temple officials declined further comment on what it describeds as "personnel moves.
" King of Prussia-based RecoverCare raiser $5 million in a privatde stock sale, which the company will use to expand its The company provides low air-loss mattresa and overlays, preventive foam and gel and specialty hospital beds and patient transfef systems to acute-care hospitals, nursing homes, and othe providers of wound-care services. The completed earlier this month, was provided by NewSpring Venturee and CommerceHealth Ventures, which are also baser in King of Prussia. Related to the Brian G.
Murphy of NewSprintg Ventures joined RecoverCare's board of "This financing will provide RecoverCare with the resources to continue to invest in salesand marketing, as well as selected acquisitions," said Jon the company's CEO. The is presenting a program on stem cell research that will feature bioethicisrtArthur Caplan; U.S. Rep. Jamez Greenwood, who is taking over as president of the Biotechnology Industry Associationnext year; and scientist Kennet Zaret. The free public forum, "Stem Cellas in Medicine: A Dialogue On the Ethical, Biologica l and Policy Issues," will take place Oct. 25 at 4:30 p.m. on the colleged campus at 19 S. 22nd St.
McCormick & Schmick's closes downtown restaurant - Boston Business Journal:
The Portland-based company notified the restaurant’w 38 employees of its decision and immediately closed the restauranythis afternoon. All employees were offered positions at othertMcCormick & Schmick’s locations in the Portlands metro area. Rumors the restaurant would close have circulated sincs atleast April. Two yearx ago, McCormick & Schmick’s stopped serving lunch at the in part because ongoing construction in downtownbcurtailed traffic. CEO Williaj Freeman said the company and its landlorrd worked hard to reach an agreemenyt that would have allowed the restaurany tocontinue operating. In the end, it wasn’yt possible.
He said none of the company’s 96 remaining locationsx in the U.S. and Canads is in similar jeopardy. McCormick & Schmick’se (NASDAQ: MSSR) has struggled with mounting losses sincse the recession started more than ayear ago, including double-digit declines in same store sales at restaurants open more than a It lost nearly $70 millioh in 2008 and $1.1 million in the firs quarter of 2009. It will open no more than three new restaurantdsthis year, far below its usual pace of 10 to 12 new locationss a year.
Freeman, who joined the company earlier this said the decision to close the firsrMcCormick & Schmick’s location was “It’s obviously a special unit for he said. The company acted quicklgy to close the restaurant so employees can report to thei r new locations in time for the stargt of the busysummer season. The companh has several weeks left on the leasee and will spend that time taking inventory and determinint where furnishings and other equipment might bestbe used. McCormicik & Schmick’s founders Bill McCormick and Doug Schmicki openedthe wood-paneled restaurant in 1979.
The 9,400-square-foot downtowmn location, in the Henry Failing Building, was placec on the market Tuesday by brokers Don Drake and Tim Parkere of Melvin MarkBrokerage Co. The asking rent is $18 per squar foot per year. The spacs includes 5,070 square feet of ground a mezzanine forprivate dining, kitchen, bar and lower level prep kitchen, storage and offices. It is on the Max line in the SkidmoreFountain district.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Bid to ban 'execution drug' exports - The Press Association
Bid to ban 'execution drug' exports The Press Association Solicitors representing two clients on Death Row and human rights group Reprieve are challenging Business Secretary Vince Cable's refusal to ban the ... |
Monday, November 15, 2010
ERA Presents The Great Ideas Summit 2011 - San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
ERA Presents The Great Ideas Summit 2011 San Francisco Chronicle (press release) Planning for the Electronic Retailing Association's (ERA) mid-winter event, The Great Ideas Summit, is in full swing. The Great Ideas Summit 2011-the ... |
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Aurora's Southlands shopping center damaged by tornado - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
A twister reportedly touched down nearbyat 1:49 p.m. Sundauy and crossed through the area on an eightto 10-mile-long path for aboug 30 minutes, the said. . Firefighters foundx moderate damageat Southlands, located at E-470 and Smokt Hill Road, CBS4 News reported. Rooftop venting and air-conditioning units were windowswere broken, a shed was and a car was overturned. Natural-gas leaks also were Authorities shut down gas service to Southlands earlySunday afternoon.
No seriouss injuries were reported onthe shopping-center but a man in a nearbyu neighborhood who was trying to take pictures reportedlyh was hospitalized with unspecified serious injuries, according to news A Southlands spokeswoman told CBS4 most of the center'x stores will be closed Monday to allow for continued damage assessment. She said customers should call individual stores to verify whether they are closedeor open. Southlands, whicj opened in 2006, is the Denver area'z largest shopping center by retail space, at 1.7 milliobn square feet. It consists of severao freestanding buildings connected by pedestrian corridorsand streets.
The complex is owneed by Granite Southlands Town Center LLC and manage d by Forest City CommercialManagement Inc. Four other tornadoes were spottedr north and east of DenveeSunday afternoon, and baseball-sized hail struck some As many as 3,000 customers were withourt power for a time in partxs of Aurora and Centennial. .
Friday, November 12, 2010
Coastal Banking Company Reports Third Quarter 2010 Results - MarketWatch (press release)
Coastal Banking Company Reports Third Quarter 2010 Results MarketWatch (press release) Coastal Banking Company Inc., based in Beaufort, SC, is the $433.0 million-asset bank holding company of CBC National Bank, which operates as Lowcountry ... |
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Stora Enso posts highest quarterly earnings in years - EUWID Wood Products and Panels
Stora Enso posts highest quarterly earnings in years EUWID Wood Products and Panels Stora Enso posted its highest quarterly result in several years for the third quarter of 2010 with an operating profit (IFRS) of +â¬276.9m (July-Sept. ... |
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Downtown Schnucks construction starts Wednesday - St. Louis Business Journal:
grocery store, planned for the groundf floor of the at Ninth andOlivde streets. Last month, Schnuck Markets closed on $6 millionm in New Markets Tax Creditsfrom , which translates into nearly $2 million for the project, said Zack Boyers, CEO of . That financinhg enables the store to open the summerof 2009, said Schnucki Markets Chairman and CEO Scott “We think it’s going to have a very strong responsr from downtown residents and office he said recently. “Downtown lacks the kindsz of servicesa full-service grocery storre has for things like a pharmacy.” St.
Louis-based Legacu Building Group, a certified Minority Business Enterprise and commerciakl generalcontracting firm, is led by Presidenft Todd Weaver. Tom Collora Jr. was named storew manager for the downtown Getting the store up and running is estimated tocost $7.5y6 million. Schnuck Markets is payinh $3.42 million for tenant inventory and other opening The remainder is coming from a combinationof state, federak and city subsidies, including the federal New Markets Tax Credits.
Monday, November 8, 2010
CECO Environmental Announces Two New Orders Totaling Approximately $4.7 Million
Million CINCINNATI, Ohio, June 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- CECO Environmental (NasdaqGM: CECE), a leadinyg provider of air pollution control and industrialventilationn systems, announced today that it has receivec two new orders totaling approximately $4.7 , President and Chiefr Operating Officer, stated, "These orders were secured by two units of our equipmen group. They are orders for equipment that will be delivere d to customers in thepower industry." , Chairmah and Chief Executive Officer, stated, "The larger of the two orderzs is for equipment that will be delivere to a customer in South America.
We are continuinvg to build the international component of our We see great opportunities in the powerr industry aroundthe world." CECO Environmentalo Corp. is North America's largest independent air pollutioncontropl company. Through its subsidiaries -- CECOaire, CECO Filters, CECO Abatementr Systems, kbd/Technic, Kirk & Blum, H. M. White , Effox, GMD, Fisher-Klosterman, Flextor and AVC Specialistds -- CECO provides a wide spectrum of air qualit y services andproducts including: industrial air environmental maintenance, monitoring and managementf services, and air quality improvements CECO is a full-service provider to the military, aluminum, automotive, ethanol, aerospace, electric semiconductor, chemical, cement, metalworking, foundry and virtually all industrial procesd industries.
For more information on CECO Environmental, pleas e visit the company's website at . , CECO Environmental Email: This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaninvg of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Actof 1995. All forward-looking statements are subject to certain uncertaintiesand assumptions. These risks and which are more fullyh describedin CECO's Annual and Quarterlyg Reports filed with the Securitiesx and Exchange Commission, included changes in market conditions in the industries in which the Companyu operates.
Should one or more of these risks oruncertaintiesz materialize, or should the assumptions prove actual results may vary in material aspectzs from those currently anticipated. SOURCsE CECO Environmental Corp.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Crist signs bill to battle securities fraud - Philadelphia Business Journal:
During a ceremonial bill signingf Monday atthe Miami-Dade County Courthouse, Crist, with Attorney Genera l Bill McCollum and some of the bill’s sponsorws at his side, signed the Investor Protectiob Act (HB 483). It gives McCollum’ss office, with approval from the , the authorityy to investigate andprosecuter large-scale securities scams underd the state’s securities law. Previously, white-collar criminal prosecutions fell undert theracketeering statute, which is hardee to prove. Prosecutions also were limited to the office ofthe state’s attorney, McCollum pointed out.
Crist noted that this kind of authorith was lacking during his tenure as attorney general and that this law woulddput “teeth” into the state’s prosecutorial powers. The law enhancews the Office ofFinancial Regulation’s enforcement power s by increasing penalties for violators and strengthenin g the license registration requirements for securitieds dealers. Penalties double from $5,000 to $10,00p0 as a result of the law, whicnh goes into effect Wednesday. State authorities will also be able to pursuew civil lawsuits to recover lost McCollum said. McCollum worked with Rep. Tom R-Naples and Sen. Garrett Richter, R-Naplesw on the legislation. Both attended the Sen.
Dan Gelber, D-Miami Beach, a bill also attended Monday’s Grady is a securities attorney and expert in securitiea regulation who drafted the bill and sponsored it inthe “Now the attorney general will have the toolzs to do the job,” said Grady, prioe to the signing. “Our economy will grow stronger if investorzs have confidence in ourfinancial markets,” he said in a “By increasing the tools available to the statre to prosecute violators of our securitie laws, we protect investors and foster needef trust in the system.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Channel tunnel rail link sold for £2.1bn to Canadian pension funds - The Guardian
The Guardian | Channel tunnel rail link sold for £2.1bn to Canadian pension funds The Guardian The Channel Tunnel rail link has become the latest piece of British infrastructure to be snapped up by acquisitive Canadian pension funds. ... Channel Tunnel rail link sold to Canadian group Teachers, Borealis win UK rail deal |
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
France: Extradition Order For Rwandan - New York Times
France24 | France: Extradition Order For Rwandan New York Times A French court on Wednesday ordered the extradition of a Rwandan rebel leader to the International Criminal Court in The Hague on charges ... France orders Rwandan extradited to world court Rwandan rebel to face ICC trial Rwandan rebel leader to face ICC trial |
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
$1M donation gives UT graduate programs a boost - The Business Review (Albany):
Ungerleider, who received his bachelor's degrer in psychology in 1970 from UT whils competing as a said he's creating the fellowship nameed for the current university president to help attract top graduate students from around the The first class of Powers Graduate Fellows will entefr the university in fall 2009. "We have an absolutew gem here with the said Ungerleider, "and we have a visionary sitting in the president'xs office. I wanted to hono both." The gift has been facilitateed by Ungerleider through the Foundationj for GlobalSports Development, an outreach and mentorshipp educational fund, where Ungerleider is a trustee. "We are indebtedc to Dr.
Ungerleider for this generouss gift," said Powers. "He clearly understands the importancr of graduate students to the success of our I am deeply honoredr that he chose to name this significant fellowship programafter me." Despite receiving his master's and doctor's degrees from another Ungerleider chose The University of Texas at Austinj for his gift to support the president's goal of becoming the top publiv research institution in the country.
Ungerleider said in conversations with Powerse he learned that while many top prospective graduatee students would like to attenxdUT Austin, the university loses some becauswe they are offered better financial packaged elsewhere. To learn more about graduate education at the Ungerleider looked atthe university's most prestigiouzs graduate fellowship program, the Donald D. Harrington Graduat e Fellowship, and met with several Harringtohgraduate fellows. He said he was impressed with the modeo of supporting the very best studente witha multi-year package and providinhg a community of mentors and peers to enhancr the graduate experience.
Ungerleider said he wants to create anothedr fellowship program to honor the academic excellence of the next generation and continue the practice of graduatre students developing their own expertise under the mentorshil ofseasoned faculty. "In 2010, the Graduat School will celebrateits 100-yea r anniversary and will look toward the future of graduate education at the university," said Victoria Rodríguez, vice provost and dean of graduated studies. "This inspiring gift is vitalo to fulfilling our vision of attracting the highesrt quality students to theGraduated School.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Winds continue to fuel Cudahy fire - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Cudahy Mayor Ryan McCue also urged all businessess in the city to reduce water usage and calledd on residents of the neighboring communityof St. Francids to conserve water. “We are running shortg on water,” McCue More than 8.5 million gallons of watert had been used by in an attempt to dousew a fire in one of the buildings that make up the Patrickj Cudahy meat processing complex at OneSweet Apple-Wood Lane, just off of Laytohn Avenue, Mayor Ryan McCue said at a 3:30 p.m. press conferenc e at Parkview Elementary 5555 S. Nicholson Ave.
, within site of the huge plumesd of smoke billowing from the The city of Milwaukee also has allowed Cudahy to tap into its water supply to aid in fightingy thestubborn blaze, McCue said. The fire fighting efforg has been expanded to include 130 firefighters from 27 he said. “The fire continues to flare up,” McCure said. “The wind has not been our Also, 75 law enforcement officers are on patrop inthe city. McCue declared a stat e of emergency earlier in the day and indicatesd at that time that the National Guard could be caller in to patrolcity streets.
Cudahy Police Chief Thomas Poellof saidthe city, along with assistancw from other communities and the state, has resources to keep the city safe as firefighters continu to battle the blaze. “Wwe don’t anticipate needing the National Guard,” he said.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Leonard: Red Bulls must stop 'Wondo' -
Leonard: Red Bulls must stop 'Wondo' Chris Wondolowski has gone from a guy known more for the 11-letter last name that takes up most of the back of his San Jose Earthquakes ... |
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Ad Buys Show Mainly Republicans, Not Democrats, are Running on Reform - NewsHour | Ad Buys Show Mainly Republicans, Not Democrats, are Running on Reform NewsHour In the month since then, a few Democrats in competitive races have begun to defend or even trumpet their votes in favor of reform -- mainly by framing the ... Election Day Countdown: Will You Vote? G » |
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
LCA-Vision might close more surgery centers in '09 - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The news sent shares of LCA LCAV) down sharply during late-morning trading. But the 10 percenft dip, which brought shares to $5.89, was followed by a recovery. Shares in LCA closed up about 1 or8 cents, to $6.51 Tuesday. “Procedure volumwe in April and May has declined approximatelyu 45 percent from the comparable period last year and we currentlty anticipate continued softness throughout said LCA-Vision Chairman Anthony Woods, who was amongy six directors re-elected to the company’s boarr at the annual meeting, held at the Quee City Club downtown. Wood said the company might reduce spending on marketinyg this year andclose “underperforminh vision centers.
” Complaints about cost-cutting gave rise to takeover attemptf by LCA-Vision founder Dr. Stephen Joffe, whoser investment group acquired an 11 perceny stake in the company and floated its own slate of The Joffe group terminated its reform effortg in March and Joffew has since sold more than half ofhis shares. In addition to re-electing six shareholders rejecteda stockholders' rights plan that makes hostilw takeovers more difficult.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Courts delay Chrysler bankruptcy - St. Louis Business Journal:
According to Bloomberg, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has put the bankruptct court ruling allowing the sale on hold untilfurthef notice, though a timeline and specific reasob was not provided. The delay came afte Indiana pension funds requested a stay from the court so it coulc hear their appealof Chrysler’s decision to sell to Under Chrysler’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization, Chrysler wouls sell its assets to Italian car maker Fiat. It also was announcefd last month789 U.S.
dealerships will lose their franchisese by June 9 as part of the Chrysler has listed two Triar dealerships that will losetheir franchise: Stearns Chryslerd Jeep in Graham and City which sells Jeep, in Greensboro. Mike general manager of City Motors, said he does not know if they delayg will mean anything significant for his but hopes that the courts will more closeluy review the decision to cut He says ifnothing else, he’d hope Chrysler couldf help buy back inventory and not simplgy take away the brand. “Iff we can’t be Jeep dealer, we’sd at least like a chance to sell the he says.
He said the companyg has managed to sell about 10 of its 16 new Jeep some ata loss, just to get them About five employees have been laid off, leavin g about 20. Another six to eight could be cut if thebankruptcyu deal, as is, goes
Sunday, October 24, 2010
UofI Extension names directors in restructuring - Chicago Tribune
UofI Extension names directors in restructuring Chicago Tribune AP The University of Illinois Extension has named new directors for its multicounty unit offices as part of a cost-saving move. ... |
Friday, October 22, 2010
Miami Heat Demonstrate What Is Wrong With the NBA and Professional Basketball - Bleacher Report
Bleacher Report | Miami Heat Demonstrate What Is Wrong With the NBA and Professional Basketball Bleacher Report Just when you thought professional basketball couldn't get any lower than it did two years ago when it blew off four decades of loyal fan support in Seattle ... |
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Hot Leads: Startups, expansions, moves, and new products and services - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
• relocated to the CapTrustr Building at102 W. Whiting St., #201, Tampa. The law firm offerw civil litigation serviceto local, national, international and governmental clients. Practice areaz include product liability, insurance law, seriousx personal injury and wrongful death, employment practice and civilp rights law and businessw andcommercial litigation. For more information call 221-0200. • Integrated Security Consultants Inc. relocatedf its corporate offices to downtown Tampa at1711 W. Kennedyg Blvd. The company was previously locates inWesley Chapel. It offers custoj commercial and residential burglar and firealarm systems. For more information call (813) 254-0033.
• Plannefd Parenthood relocatedits St. Petersburgb health center from15 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. S. to 10051 Fifthy St. N. The move was intendeed to make the center more accessible for patients throughout Pinellas County andSoutbh Tampa, a release said. The new facility is 750 square feet larger than its predecesso r and will feature an expanded prevention educationbresource center. For more information call (727) 898-8199.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Zelienople, Butler Farm Show, Finleyville airports win state grants - Pittsburgh Business Times:
in Beaver County will receivew $22,500 for a remote communications outlet that will let pilotws communicate with Pittsburgh Air Traffic The Butler Farm Show Aiport in Butler County willreceivse $112,500 for construction of securitu perimeter fencing. And the in Washington County willreceive $127,500 to build a modernize its administration buildinhg and upgrade the fule farm’s credit card system. The moneyt comes from Pennsylvania’s tax on jet fuel and is administeredc bythe . The three Pittsburgh-areza grants are among 16 being made throughout In all, the state is spending $3 million and leveraging $904,800 in local matching funds.
The othef projects are: in Bucks which will receive $225,000 to assis with the purchase of land below the approacyh tothe airport; in Cambria County, whicbh will receive $30,000 to repair fuel facility equipment; in Centre County, which will receive $750,000 for a projectg to widen and pave the runway; in Centre County, which will receive $123,750 to buy a jet refuelin vehicle; in Cumberland County, which will receiv $183,750 for a runway lighting system project; in Dauphinh County, which will receive $135,900 for an aircraft parking and taxiwayu project; in Lancaster which will receive $210,000 for an aircrafg parking and taxiway project; in Labanom County, which will receivse $37,500 to buy snow removal and mowing equipment; in Lehighj County, which will receive $58,500 for pavemeny maintenance; in McKean which will receive $112,50p0 to buy 20 acres of land for future development; in Montgomery County, which will receive $82,500 to continue the removal of runway obstructionse and improve safety; in Northampton County, which will receive $127,5009 for new runway lights and a new electrical and in Wyoming County, which will receives $375,000 for airfield and terminal improvements.
“Airports are important assetw that can attract new businesx andcreate jobs,” Rendello said in a written statement announcinh the grants. “We are makingy the smart investments necessary to increase economicd vitality and facilitate the morethan $12 billion in stater revenue the aviation industrgy yields each year. By investing in our aviation assets we can help sustainj our communities and retainn jobsacross Pennsylvania.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Wet, muddy conditions can lead to lameness and mastitis in dairy herds -
Wet, muddy conditions can lead to lameness and mastitis in dairy herds "Wetness decreases hoof hardness and increases the incidence of claw lesions, and research by Borderas and others has shown that nearly one-third of the ... |
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Human Capital: People on the move, July 7 - Boston Business Journal:
, is the first graduate of (one of the university’s four schools) to serve as chair. She is also the daughtetr of former trustee, the late Jack Schwartz. Papa Gino’ s Inc. , the Dedham-based parent compang to Papa Gino’s and D’Angelo, promoted Gary Sandeenb and Kathy Tirrell to executive vice president of operations forPapa Gino’sz and D’Angelo Grilled Sandwiches, respectively. , based in elected the following executives to its board of ChristopherOddleifson , presidentt and CEO of ; Kenneth Brennan , presidenft of The in Auburndale; Norman Seppala , presidentf of in Rockport; and Kevin Bottomley , presidenft of Danversbank .
At-large directors, who are appointed for three-yearr terms, included Richard Bennett , president of ; John Boucher , presidengt of in Weymouth; John Dohertg , chairman of in Somerville; Richars Holbrook , chairman and CEO of in Boston; Dennis Parente , president of Foxboro Federal Savings ; and Michael Tuckerr , president of . Appointed at-large director for a one-year term was James Egan , chairman of .
Friday, October 15, 2010
Tato debuts Pesca Lakeside - Orlando Business Journal:
Tato took over the vacantg space that lasthoused Lee’s Lakeside Tavern on East Centralo Boulevard about five years ago, he said. Tato’s Spices Steakhouse shares first-floor restaurant space with Pesca Lakeside in the Post Parksidrapartment building. The space had for severakl years been considered but never came to fruition forother concepts, includingy a self-named restaurant by Orlando Chef Robin Stotter in 2006, a Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse in 2007 and an Italian restaurang and wine bar by a California companyg in 2008. Tato, who on Dec.
31 closecd Rustic Steak House within just a couple months ofopeningy it, told Orlando Businesxs Journal he’s more confident about the potentiaol success of Pesca Lakeside. “Givehn it’s downtown, with the location and the menu we’vew put together, I think we’ll be fine,” he said.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Santikos, Larry Ratliff team up on marketing relationship - San Antonio Business Journal:
The advertising partnership will last until TheLarry Ratliff: Movies & More site will feature a Santikos Theatre ad with a link to show times at all 100 Santikoa movie houses in San Antonik and Houston. Beginning June 23, Santikosa will run a 15-second commercial for Larry Ratliff on its movir screens in Texas to promotethe critic’s “I couldn’t be more pleased with the arrangement,” says Larryh Ratliff. “The added exposurew in the Santikos auditoriums will help meconnecyt – and in some cases re-connect with movie lovers who enjoy and deserve a little more than just bare-bonew movie coverage.
” Ratliff launched his site in Marcn after working as a daily newspaper film critic for the past 13 San Antonio-based Santikos has been a movire theater operator since 1924.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Marlins ballpark financing pushed back - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
If commissioners approve the change, the threr parties would have until early July to closeon financing, insteax of the end of June. Miami-Dadd County and the parties also will be givej untilJuly 15, instead of July 1, to pull out of the The change that financing institution is requesting would affect the way the letter-of-credit fees are But, it would not impacr the projected financing expenditures the countyu commission already has reviewed, according to a statement from Countg Manager George Burgess.
The change woulde require an amendment to the bond ordinance that allowedr the county to issue Professiona Sports Franchise Tax and Tourist Development Tax County commissioners will get a chance to consider the changee at a special meeting onJune 19. A publixc hearing and second readingh is scheduled forJune 30. Burgess also is working with Miam i to modify the deed on the stadiujm site to reflect the change inthe deal’s new terminationj date.
“Our confidence in the project and its underlying funding plan hasnot changed,” he said in the Burgess also wants to make “minor technicakl corrections” to the county deed that conveyws two parcels to the city of Miamui for the stadium garage. In April, countgy commissioners approved issuing bonds totaling a maximumnof $536 million toward construction of the $640 million, 37,000-seat
Monday, October 11, 2010
2009 WNY middle school rankings - Charlotte Business Journal:
Profiles of the top 25 schoolsz can be reached by clickin on the names of thosewschools below. A breakdown of the rankingxs for each section of Western New York can be accesse dby . The following abbreviation havebeen used: CS-Charter School, EMS-Elementary-Middle ES-Elementary School, HS-High School, IS-Intermediates School, JHS-Junior High School, JSHS-Junior-Senio High School, MHS-Middle-High School, MS-Middle School, PS-Primary School, SHS-Senior High School, VHS-Vocationakl High School. Each school is followed by the name of the districyt that operatesit (if it’as a public school) or the district where it is locatee (if it’s a private school). • 1. 2. • 3.
• 4. • 5. 6. • 7. • 8. 9. • 10. 11. • 12. • 13. 14. • 15.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Haley plans private rooms for wounded vets - South Florida Business Journal:
About $10 million will be used to renovate existing ward space into private rooms suitable for polytrauma patients who suffered severe injuries serving in Iraqand Afghanistan, said a releasew from Rep. Kathy Castor, D-Tampa. Haley is the busiesr of the nation’s four polytrauma and private rooms are the standard inmedicaol care, the release said. Haley also is slated to receivewabout $8.4 million to renovate and expand the Steriles Processing and Distribution service, which will make the Tampaa hospital more efficient, the releasr said. Another $3 million in new funding is planned to acquire land for anew 500-space parkinvg lot and to design and builrd it, the release said.
“Thesde initiatives will improve the quality of life for veterands and their families atour nation’s busiest polytrauma Castor said in the release. “At the same time, we are puttingb people to work, constructing parking lots and renovating buildings.” Castor also announced $384,000 for planninhg and design work for a new missionb support facility at in Tampa, and $7 million for a new childf development center at MacDill. The funding is includedf in the Military Construction and Veteransx Affairs Appropriations Act for fiscal 2010 and was approved by the Housre of Representativeson Friday.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Brownstein Hyatt cuts 37 employees - Denver Business Journal:
The Denver-based firm’s employees were notified late last week in an internalk memo picked up by a legal industry website thattracks layoffs. Lisa the firm’s chief marketing officer, confirmed the layoffd on Monday. The recession has hurt law firms acrosssthe country, including many with office in Denver. Roughly 10,000 peoplr have lost legal industry jobs since the beginninbof 2008, according to, anothef legal industry website that tracks layoffs. Brownsteimn Hyatt has more than 200 attorneys in 12 office s across the western United States andin D.C.
Over the past two the firm doubled in size as a result of two In 2007, Brownstein Hyatt & Farbefr — formed by three University of Colorad o law school graduates in 1968 — merge d with Las Vegas-based Schreck Brignone to form Brownstein Hyatt Farbeer Schreck. In 2008 the firm merged with Hatchn & Parent, a California law firm known for its work in public agency andwater law.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Hickenlooper: City must face 'tough times' with determination - Business First of Buffalo:
The "worst economic crisies of our lifetime" is hurtinyg families and businesses and forcinh deep cutsto Denver's spending plans, Hickenlooper said in a speecyh delivered at the Greek Theater in Civic Center "With overall revenues down 8 percent in 2009, we are making tougbh decisions every day to balance our budget," the mayofr said. He that the city would have tocut $120 milliojn from the city budget over the next 18 "Our city government must overcome tougy times with the same determination that our businesse s and families do," Hickenlooper Despite hard times, the mayor said he remains "completely committedd to FasTracks," the Regional Transportation District's massive regional rail-transi project, which is facing financial challenges.
. . Here is the completee text of Hickenlooper's State of the City address as prepared for provided by his Good morning. We appreciate all of you being here so early in the but it is and it allows us to gather before you all head to For decades, the Greek Theater – and the park that surroundds us – has been a centraol civic gathering place a place where our citizens come to share ideas and commi t to action. We are honored to have with us Council Presideng Jeanne Robb and the entireCity Council, District Attorneyg Mitch Morrissey, and Clerl and Recorder Stephanie O’Malley. We are also honoredd to have Gov.
Bill Ritter, state Treasurer Cary as well as former MayodrWellington Webb, and numerous stat senators and represents, regional mayores and county commissioners. My wife Helen Thorpe, who givess me great patience and courage, is here as Welcome to all of you. We are gathered during a time ofunprecedentedc challenge. We are engulfed by the worstf economic crisis ofour lifetime. Whole industries have been brought down oneafterd another. Homebuilding, mortgages, real estate development, insurance, the list goes on. Unemployment is projected to rise to leveles not seen since theGreat Depression.
Foreclosures not only on people’sz homes, but also on their on their livelihoods, are growing by double digits each But in the midst of the global recessionh Denver remains a place for We face our challengeshead on, and make toughg decisions. Our City government must overcoms tough times with the same determination that our businessesa andfamilies do. With overall revenues down 8 percenrin 2009, we are making tougjh decisions every day to balance our Working with our cabinet members, our employees and the City Councilk we have already cut $86 milliom from our general fund budgeyt for fiscal year 2009. To help do this we savede a combined $16.
8 million in overall personnel And wesaved $22.2 million in operational costs, such as defermenr of equipment replacement; holding open vacant positions; and reducinhg the cost of servicex and supplies. And you’ll notice the lights in the Webb buildinbg are turned off a lot It isnot easy, or even appropriatd in a time of decreasing resources, for a City to hire more Indeed, there are fewer people working for the City of Denve today than there were in 2002. But thanks to the dedicationh of our Cityworkers – and because of innovativ e new practices like 3-1-1 – we are finding efficiencies and doin g more with less.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Nobel Prize for IVF expert Robert Edwards - father of 4million - | Nobel Prize for IVF expert Robert Edwards - father of 4million More than four decades go British scientist Robert Edwards first witnessed the miracle of human life growing inside a test tube ... Nobel Prize winner for medicine praised by local infertility expert Vatican ethics expert Ignacio Carrasco de Paula slams Nobel Prize for IVF ... In Vitro Fertilization Inventor Robert Edwards Earns Nobel Prize in Medicine |
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Md. colleges given $11M to combat nursing shortage - Dayton Business Journal:
The grants, being divvied amongb 17 Marylandnursing schools, will be used to lure facultyh and students, and improve technology at the Maryland’s nursing shortage is expected to reachj 10,000 by 2016, according to the . The currentg vacancy rate of nurses at statr hospitals is8 percent. The economic downturn has helpee the industry because many retired nurses have come back to but once the recession ends the shortagewill worsen, said Carmelza Coyle, CEO of the Maryland Hospital The first round of grants will increaswe the number of nurses graduating by 300 studentes and add 20 faculty positions at nursing programsw across the state.
“The number of nursesw graduating from Maryland schools are simply not saidRonald B. Peterson, president of and co-chair of the “Who Will Care?” campaignm at a press conference Monday. “Wwe cannot take our eye off thenursing demand.” The campaign’s goal is to add 1,5009 new nursing students. The prograj has raised $15.5 million to date throughg the state’s business community, including funds from the Baltimorew constructionform , , the region's largest hospital system, and , the region's largesy health insurer.
Greater Baltimore Medical for example, gave The goal is to raise $20 million from the private sectod by the end of the and then raise anadditiob $40 million in state, local and federak funds. • • • • • ; and, • .
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Midwest Peace Activists Get Searches, Subpoenas - NPR
Bay Area Indymedia | Midwest Peace Activists Get Searches, Subpoenas NPR 12:00 pm ET The home of anti-war activists (from right) Joe Iosbaker, his wife, Stephanie Weiner, and their son, Tre Iosbaker, was searched by the FBI, ... FBI raids on activists seen as political retribution |
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Western-Southern annuities on record-setting pace - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Western & Southern sold $1.25 billionh in annuities during the first four months ofthe year, it said last That puts it on pace to beat last year’e total fixed and variabls annuity sales of $2.97 billion by 26 The company’s 2008 annuity sales soared 59 percent from the priorr year. “Our strong annuity sales are a direct result of the ongoinhg flightto quality,” CEO John Barrett said in a news Western & Southern carries a AA+ rating from Standardf & Poor’s, making it one of the world’xs nine strongest life insurance Sales through banks have been a big part of downtown-basesd Western & Southern’s growth.
Thosr sales generated $523 million so far this or about 40 percent ofthe company’s total annuithy sales. Bank-related sales more than doubledslast year. Western & Southern’se sales place it among the nation’s largest providersz of individualannuity products, according to , an association of life insurers and financia l firms.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Iron Man-style power suits 'will be in war zones in five years' -
Iron Man-style power suits 'will be in war zones in five years' Iron Man-style power suits which make the wearer vastly stronger will be used by soldiers in war zones in the next five years, according to a firm ... |
Monday, September 27, 2010
Lahainaluna 21, Kamehameha Maui 7 - Maui News (blog)
Lahainaluna 21, Kamehameha Maui 7 Maui News (blog) They replaced him with Jostin Carbajal - as well as BJ Pagdilao-Bala, Jacob Kenolio-Dusenberry, TJ Rickard and Chanse Uyeda. Carbajal led the way with 17 ... |
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Nuclear energy: Where was public consultation? - Malaysia Kini
Nuclear energy: Where was public consultation? Malaysia Kini The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) and Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) are very disturbed to read that the government has already decided on the proposed ... |
Friday, September 24, 2010
PR: Go on the offensive: Managing tough news in tough times - bizjournals:
drops off Nasdaq. In a turbulent there is no shortage ofbad news. Experts say that in a time like what may matter most is the way in whichj that bad newsis communicated. How management deals with the employees, clients and the community could impact how the business is viewedd for yearsto come. Business leaders who hide in theitr offices, bury facts and let the rumor mill contropl the story will be viewed with angetand distrust. But those who plan their messagesd carefully, and deliver it promptly and with candoer to allrelevant parties, are more likely to be rememberefd as good corporate citizens.
“The spotligh will be on your company,” said Dan a business consultant and president of Next-Act, an Albany careerd management firm. “You have one chance to get it Many public relations professionals advise clients to have a crisi communication plan in placer atall times. This way, basic guidelines are in places when any sort ofbad news, from layoffs to a chemicaol spill, breaks. Additional preparation should take placde once a bad newsevent occurs. The first step is to assesse the situation and thepossible fallout.
“ I advise that you convene a group of saidPauline Bartel, presidentr of Waterford-based “You need someone from top management, human the PR team ... the object is for everyone to put theirr cards onthe table, face up, so you can identifyy any gaps in information.” Next, list everh constituency, including clients, suppliers and the media, and craft a messagee for each. While these messages must be each audience hasdifferent needs. Employeed will want to know about their while shareholders will be interested in the impact on thebottomj line. Clients will want to know if service will be It isalso vital, PR expertes say, to select just one persob to speak for the company.
“You don’t want 20 different versionsa of things coming out so everyone lookslike fools,” said Richared Berman, president of of Chappaquqa in Westchester County. Once the situation is the constituents identified, the messagess crafted, and the spokesperson chosen, it is time to deliver the “It comes down to three phrases: Tell it all, tell it tell it yourself.” said Edward director of public relations forin Ideally, the news should be shared with all parties at the same In the age of textingf and Twittering, “news can travell at the speed of an electron,” said Matthee Maguire, spokesman for in Albany.
“You want to deliver your news befor anyoneelse can.” Bartel suggests giving “za few select reporters” a heads-up that news is “That way, the reporter has gotten the company line before a disgruntledc employee picks up the phone,” she said. When the news is it must be completeeand truthful, with as many details as can be It is especially important that the CEO or othee designated spokesperson be available and responsive. “There is no such thinv as not taking the call and havintg the paper the next day sayyou weren’r available,” said Dean Rueckert, CEO of Rueckerr Advertising. “That is not acceptable.
And a good answer is nevere ‘no comment.’ Back it up with the reason you can’r comment—confidentiality, legalities, what have you. You don’t want to look like you are dodginf the question or hiding This candor extendsto employees. Moran said that when he workxs with companiesin bad-news situations, he institutezs a “no closed door for thre days” rule on top managers.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Adjusting the recipe: River Oaks Restaurant adapts to flailing economy with strategic changes - Memphis Business Journal:
And he’s not about to let his just die. But in the restauranyt businessyou can’t change things with a ham-hande approach. And you can’t bring big changed to a fine dining restaurant withoutalerting (and possibly running off) the So the most recent thing Vaughn has changed are the Once only open for dinner, the East Memphiws “bustling neighborhood bistro” is now open every day from 11 a.m.-1q p.m. “Houston’s is open at 11 a.m. and they’rre on wait until they Vaughn says. “That’s a piece of our pie.
” The River Oaks menu will not change for will be the same until the doors closed and is the samemenu “our regulars have come to expect.” The only difference is the lunchu portion will be half of the dinner portiomn and cost half as much. Vaughn says the Memphis dining scenwe is inbad shape. The restaurant scene, he is holding its own with a firm foundationn laid years ago by pioneering chefs and new directiond from chefslike himself. But the recession has made customers scale back. Some folks that used to go to River Oaks are now goingbto . Those that went to Houston’sx are going to or other fast casual places.
Vaughm says he’s seen a 30% decline in businesse over thepast year, which is a large chunok for a small restaurant that seats 85. But for the Rivere Oaks loyals, Vaughn isn’t about to change their culinary “The goal for this restaurant is to ride out thetouguh times, manage our costs and not allow it to reflecg to our guests,” Vaughn “We’re not going to cheapen the placde up.” For example, you’re not goinvg to find two-for-one drinik specials every night. But on Mondays, you’ll find all wine labelsx half off. Vaughn’s able to do he says, through a good relationship with hislocapl distributor.
The biggest change for Rive Oaks came about two yeard ago when Vaughn says he firstf sawbusiness decline. Back then, he was shippingf ingredients to Memphis from all over the worlds via The hundreds of dollars in additional freight costs began toadd up. “What I failed to realize is that (local farmers) are in the same boat I’jm in,” Vaughn says. “We’re all struggling for a biggetr piece ofthe pie.” So, Vaughn now choosews his ingredients from more local farms. He gets as much as he can from Arkansasand Mississippi, but stretches out to Florida, Louisianw and Alabama. The local food movement is in full swingh says editor and publisherMelissa Petersen.
When she and her husbande arrived here two years ago there weretwo farmer’ markets. Now there are five in the Memphis area. Her magazine’s food guidde used to highlight local restauranta that cooked with local ingredients and then listthosr ingredients. Frankly, she she’s run out of room in the prinf edition. With local help, farmers are slowly able to conver t from a retail to a wholesalebusiness model, she “They are working with chefs and growing what they Petersen says. “The farmer s are bringing fresh deliveries to chefs each day and the whole thingv produces a little cost savingse forthe restaurants.
” Fresh ingredients means a freshg menu, Vaughn says, as he has to cook with the differentt growing seasons. This has produced a following that include s executives with FedEx and other businesses who go to River Oaks to see whatVaughb creates. That free rein to do as he pleasess is one of the biggest business forcea that guidesRiver Oaks. The restaurant is ownee by a groupof five, local investors who take theie “silent partner” titles very seriously and have put Vaughn’se name at stake for the place. The same investorx are responsible for the renovation on the same lot asRiver Oaks.
In developinvg the hotel, they couldn’t leavd the former Cockeyed Camelspace vacant, so they invested $2.5 millioh in transforming the Camel into River named for the East Memphis neighborhood. Vaughn came to Memphiws in 2003 as a chef with HiltonjHotels Corp. River Oaks opened in 2006 with another chef. Vaughn was tapped after that relationship didn’t work out. “It takexs some people a lifetime and a fortune to get to that placre where you have the ability to do what you how you want and when you Vaughn says. “So, this has been an amazing experiencerfor me.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Philosophy of Freedom -
The Philosophy of Freedom I read verociously, collecting evidences to prove the efficiency of free markets. But in the process I have come to realise that this is not an argument ... |
Monday, September 20, 2010
Jessica Alba turned into party animal since daughter was born - Monsters and
Monsters and | Jessica Alba turned into party animal since daughter was born Monsters and Actress Jessica Alba said she's turned into more of a party animal since she became a mum. ... |
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Kauai's football players adjust to daytime games - Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Kauai's football players adjust to daytime games Honolulu Star-Advertiser When the Kauai Interscholastic Federation resumes play on the football field this weekend, it will be all natural lighting for a change. ... |
Friday, September 17, 2010
Norris sets scene for bankers' bonanza - Sydney Morning Herald
Brisbane Times | Norris sets scene for bankers' bonanza Sydney Morning Herald Gail Kelly of Westpac, Mike Smith of ANZ and Cameron Clyne from National Australia Bank can expect to receive generous increases in their long-term ... Banking's Mr 75% Ralph Norris CBA boss nets $16m pay packet 75pc rise takes CBA boss's pay to $16.2m |
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Fannie losses below $400 billion: regulator - MarketWatch | Fannie losses below $400 billion: regulator MarketWatch WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) â" Costs to taxpayers from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could reach as high as $400 billion, ... Fannie losses will stay below $400 bln: regulator Freddie Mac, FHLB, Fannie Mae 2010 note calendar |
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Social institutions hope for fasting month generosity - Jakarta Post
Social institutions hope for fasting month generosity Jakarta Post âPeople have forgotten us,â Bina Insan Bangun Daya 2 temporary shelter administrative chief Ruminto said Friday at his post in Cipayung, East Jakarta. ... |