Wednesday, December 29, 2010

'Transformers' has huge debut, 'Up' passes 'Star Trek' - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
"Transformers" brought in an estimated $112,000,000o over the weekend, and an estimates $201,246,000 since the movie's debut According to a report onthe site, it was the second-largesr five-day debut in history, trailing only "The Dark Knight." The movied was shown on abourt 10,000 screens at 4,234 sites, according to the report. Another new releass over the weekend, ' "My Sister's came in fifth at the box officw duringthe weekend, bringing in an estimatedx $12,030,000. Last week's number-one movie, Disney's "The fell to the second spot, bringing in an estimated $18,466,000. Warne Bros.
' "The Hangover" and came in third and fourth, bringing in an estimates $17,215,000 and $13,046,000, respectively. In overal box-office revenue for the summer, theres was a shake up at the top, with passing "Star Trek." The top five overall movie s for the year to and their estimatedreceiptas are: "Up" -- $250,218,000 "Star Trek" -- $246,225,000 Revenge of the Fallen" -- $201,246,000 "Monsteras vs.
Aliens" -- $195,971,000 "The Hangover" -- $183,247,000p Of the top it looks like "The Hangover" has the most bang for the as its budget wasonly $35,000,000, compared with the other which had budgets of at leasy $150,000,000.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Tampa group wins $4.2M condo foreclosure - Boston Business Journal:
million foreclosure judgment against the owner of the Villagwe at WestMiami Condominium. Developer Fountain Star Investment Group of Miami owns 21 units in the building at5984 S.W. 8th St. (Tamiam Trail) in West Only five units were sold. filed a foreclosured lawsuit against the developer in 2008 overa $3.5 millio delinquent mortgage. While the case was the bank sold the mortgageto Tampa-based CRP II-Fountain Star. That company is managed by Community ReinvestmenftPartners II, a distressed real estate fund started by Forge Capitalk Partners and DeBartolo Development, both of Tampa. The Web site for CRP II said it has raisexd morethan $85 million from investors, including Regionse Bank.
An official at Forge Capital didn’t immediatelyt return a call seeking comment. The public auction of the 21 unitd in the Village at West Miami is setfor Nov. 13 at 11 a.m. at the Miami-Dadde County Courthouse. However, CRP II-Fountain Star likely will have the inside track to acquire the property because it holdsthe

Friday, December 24, 2010

First IMA University focuses on economy, downtown development - Wichita Business Journal:
David Strohm says the United States likely will pull out of the recession later this year or inearlyt 2010. When that happens, he says, the grosz domestic product might only grow 1to 1.5 percent, compared to the 4 or 5 percentt from previous recessions. “Fodr the time being, it lookws like you want to be optimistivc and cautious at thesame time,” he Strohm was one of two featurexd speakers during ’s 2009 economif update. Jeff Fluhr, president of the also spokse aboutthe city’s efforts to revitalize downtown. IMA has sponsore similar events in its othe markets and wanted to bring the programto Wichita, says Kurt IMA’s president and chief operations officer.
“It’e our intent to bring in speakerse that we think the Wichita community wouldbenefit from,” Watsonb says. IMA plans to sponsor similar presentation s throughoutthe year. Strohm says the recessionm already has lasted longer than the previousd 10 economic downturns and pulling out ofit hasn’t been The federal government has spent billions of dollarsa to stimulate the economy, but consumersx still are reluctant to spend, Strohmm says. The GDP has dropped dramaticallyt and businesses are stiloshedding jobs. Strohm predicts the national unemploymengt rate, which currently sits at 8.9 to climb above 10 percenr before the recessionis over.
The housinh market has rebounded, but stillp is a ways off where one in eight mortgages are in Strohm says. California, Florida, Nevada and Arizonaq combine to account for 46 percen ofall U.S. foreclosures. However, pending home saleas are up 6.7 percent for April, the thirc straight increase, which means peopl are showing more interest in buying homes because of favorable interes ratesand first-time home buyer tax credits. “Ifr we can get the housing issue off the frontpage (of then the economy is goint to generate some forward momentum,” Strohm says.
He says the stocjk market has rebounded inrecent months, but it wouls take 227 percent growth to get it back to its previou s high. Despite all the negative, Strohm emphasized the economy has showed signs recently that the recessiobn may be nearingan end. Fluhr’s presentation, had a slightly different He says he sees great potential fordowntownb development. Investing in downtown, he will help increase jobs, tourismn and revenue opportunities in the Wichita The WDDC and the city are pushing for more privatwe sector investmentin downtown, particularly in the area of residential Several developers, including Dave are working on projects that could add a combinec 300 more apartment units downtown.
Fluhr says havinv people living in the condosz has spurred interest indowntown “That’s one of the building blocks for out he says. Additionally, several street project are helping to improve the area arounsdthe , Fluhr says. The WDDC and the city are workinvg on developing a capital improvement plan for downtow n and have generated morethan $450,009 toward that effort. By Friday, the city hoped to release the required qualifications for firms interesting in biddingg on the capitalimprovement “This is a great city with a lot of potential,” Fluhr “As we look at this we want to be very competitivee (with other cities).

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ericsson Buys Mobile SPIT Specialist - Light Reading

Ericsson Buys Mobile SPIT Specialist

Light Reading

Ericsson AB (Nasdaq: ERIC) has acquired mobile network optimization system specialist Optimi for an undisclosed sum to boost its multi-vendor network ...

and more »

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fred Weber wins $4M Mississippi River Bridge contract - Jacksonville Business Journal:
awarded Fred Weber a $4.44 million contract Wednesday to remove and replace the Madisom Streetand St. Louis Avenud bridges over Interstate 70 indowntown St. Louis. The majority of work on this projecy will start afterHighway 40/Interstate 64 reopens between Kingshighway and Interstate 170. Crews will remove the St. Louis Avenue bridgr first and then remove and replace the MadisonStreegt bridge. During work to remover the MadisonStreet bridge, crews will also removes the Cass Avenue bridge in preparatio for replacing that bridge later in 2010. This work is part of preliminargy work on a new Mississippiriver bridge, whicy is expected to reduce congestion on the Poplad Street Bridge.
Maryland Heights, Mo.-based Fred Weber is one of the largesg privately held companiesin St. Louis with $353.3 million in revenues in 2008. The commercial construction firm is also working onthe $245 millionb reconstruction of AmerenUE’s Taum Sauk Reservoir in Johnson’s Shut-Ins state park and is part of Gatewa Constructors, the consortium of contractors performing $535 million wort h of improvements on Highway 40/Interstate 64.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Gehl secures new 2-year credit pact - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The agreement with U.S. bank lenders provides for a total credit commitmentof $105 million and a term of 24 The credit line consists of an $80 millionn revolving line based on North American inventories and accounts receivable and a term loan of $25 millio payable in quarterly installments. The credi t pact replaces the company's October 2006 $125 million unsecured credit facility. As part of the amendede credit agreement, Gehl Co. has granted to its bank lenders a securit interest in all of its NorthAmerican assets.
The amender credit agreement addresses matters that gave rise to an Aprilo 16 forbearance agreement with the lender group that rescinds and withdraws a notice of debt repayment deliveredc onMarch 31. That agreementy with lenders extended the repaymentof $117 millionm in debt under a revolvingv credit agreement, which serves as the company's principall source of liquidity. Gehl said it has significantlhy reduced its outstanding borrowings using operatingg cash flows created in part by the cost savings initiativee implemented over thepast months.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Unimpressed Cincinnati critics: Banks lacks
Jack Rouse said it would be better to halt the developmentalong Cincinnati’a riverfront than to proceed with a designb he called “remarkably boring.” “I firmlh believe it’s better to do nothinhg than to do the wrong thing,” said CEO of , which designs theme parks and cultural He was chairman of the now-defunctg that created the vision for the Bankd back in 1999. “Because ‘nothing’ can be corrected,” Rouse “The wrong thing can’t.” Rouss isn’t alone in his criticism.
Memberz of also worry the current design lacksthe “wow they want after waiting so long for the And the chairman of ’s economic development committe said he thinks the design needs work, too. “I am disappointed,” said Dick chairman of the Urban Design Review Boardand co-directo of , an Over-the-Rhine arts “I’m going to withhold my approval until I feel there is something more exciting.
” The boarrd gave the Atlanta-based development team of and the preliminaryg approval during a work session April 16 for the project’s first phase after several sessions where the board aske d developers to make Rosenthal said the developers have been addressing the board’s concernas but have resisted making some suggestedc changes, arguing it woul d add to the project’s cost. “There were commentsd such as, ‘Board members were comfortable withthe ‘Pleased with the design,’” Rosenthal said of the Aprio 16 meeting. “What was never utterex was, ‘Wow that looks great!
’ Or, ‘This is really The design for the project is a work in AndBailey Pope, vice president of design and construction at the Dawson Co., said this firsyt phase aims to “respect” the iconicd architecture of the nearby and the . At the same Pope said, the residential and retail developmenr is intended tobe “an extension of the urban fabri c of downtown that creates the background of this urbam neighborhood.” “If you try to make a landscapwe where every building is a landmark, you end up with or the Vegas strip,” he said.
Pope said the design team has a more striking design for the office building proposed for thefirsft phase, saying the office tower will have “morr of a landmark quality.” But Rouse said the communithy has a right to expect more. “It’s bad,” he said of the “It’s great that they’re building the And looking at a slab of concreted is better than looking at a pile of But if you want to havea world-class city, you’dd better have a world-class front door. It’s our postcard.” Rouse suggested an architectural competition isin order. But Pope said the developmentr team neverconsidered that.
“For this developmen to be successfuland sustainable, it has to really hold to a businessa plan, and so the desigh is always driven by a purpose,” Pope said. “Oftentimed in a design competition, the art exceedd the purpose. In certain civic structures, you can do that. But we’rw doing functional buildings.” Pope likene the residential and retaill buildings being designed for the first phase to the contribution his daughter makess playing viola in her highschool orchestra. “Whem you listen to the viola by itself, it nevet makes any sense,” he said.
“But when you put it withih thewhole orchestra, it gives the richness that createse the symphonic sound. The wow factor, that’d the violin. We will have the But right now, we’re working on the violaq part.” Other members of the city’s Urban Designh Review Board said they certainlyhope so. Paul principal with and a member of the stressed thatthe board’s approva l last week was for a schematic The design must get two more approvals as it

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Grede Foundries files for bankruptcy protection - Business First of Columbus:
Wayzata Investment Partners LLCof Wayzata, Minn., an SEC-registerede investment adviser and manager of private investment fundes with more than $5 billion in has offered to provide a $45 million temporary loan facility to allow time for an orderly sale underd the supervision of the Bankruptcyu Court. Since 1992, Wayzata has invested more than $12 billio n in more than 600 investments. The filing, made Tuesday in the U.S.
Bankruptcyu Court for the Western Districtof Wisconsin, was driven by the impact of the current economic downturn on the companyh and its customers, particularly the automotive industry, said Richarf Koenings chairman of the board of directors for Wauwatosa-based The reorganization and assegt sale is expected to position the company for a turnarounf as the country emerges from the most difficulf economic period it has seen in generations, he “The significant deterioration in the automotivw and construction industries and the resulting impacyt on our company and the foundryh industry in general require that we take this strategix action,” Koenings said.
“We have carefullhy explored many options, and believd a sale to a strongv financial backer like Wayzat is the best way to effectively proceede in what has been an exceedinglyydifficult marketplace.” Koenings stressed that Grede Foundries remains in business and that jobs will remai during the transition. “Thi move gives us the time to restructure while we continue to do businessz and operateour plants,” he said. “Grede will continue to buy goodas and services fromits vendors, support its work forc and provide its customers with the same qualith products and service they’ve come to expect from us.
Our goal is to preservee and strengthen our business so that we can compete successfullyy inthe future.” Wayzata has also agreed to make the first bid, often called a “stalkingg horse” bid, for Grede. “Wayzata’w commitment shows their belief in the strength of the Gredse name and its respected position in the foundry Koenings said. Sales of businesses in bankruptcyu proceedings are often structured where one companyh makes the initial bid foranother company’s Under rules approved by the court, higher offersd from third parties can be submitted as competinv bids.
The “stalking horse” arrangement helps ensure that Gredwe receives the best valu for its assets and allows for offers that are best for the creditores while preserving the business companymanagement said. Grede said that it has alreadh received inquiries from other parties that are interestedin Grede’sa production capacity. Koenings said Gredwe expects the sale and related biddin g process to move steadily throughj thecourt system. “We are deeply committed to doing everythingv necessary to put our company on solid footing as the natiomn begins to rise out of the worst economic conditionsd since theGreat Depression,” he said.
“Our customeres very clearly want us to succeed and have been very Grede announced in May that it had laid off 81 employee s from its foundry in Wauwatosz since the endof January. In April, the company revealed plans to close its foundrhyin Greenwood, S.C.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

San Diego State may be the best team on the West Coast -

Kansas City Star

San Diego State may be the best team on the West Coast

The Aztecs are making their presence known, not just in Berkeley but  »

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Carter man convicted for sexual abuse of a child - KSFY

Carter man convicted for sexual abuse of a child


The charges stem from incidents in which Frederick knowingly and intentionally sexually abused a child under the age of 12 between 2002 and 2003 in Todd ...

and more »

Saturday, December 4, 2010

UC Davis Med Center earns Level 1 designation - Sacramento Business Journal:
The American College of Surgeons awarded the Levelp 1 trauma centerdesignation – one of 112 but less than 20 meet the requirement for both adults and children. In orderr to meet the requirement, Level 1 traumas centers must admit atleast 1,20o0 patients per year. UC Davis admitted 2,836 patients in making it one of thebusiest nationwide. UC Davis Medical Center chief executive officer Ann Maddenn Rice said the hospitalhas “achieved what few othersz have done.
This is a terrific achievement, and reflects the hard work and high qualituy of themany physicians, nurseds and ancillary staff who make our trauma centers an indispensabler resources for the Sacramento and Northern California region.” The medical center serves about 6 millioh people in a 33-count region. Level 1 trauma centers are requiredf to have a certain number of surgeons and specialists including anesthesiologists, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery and orthopaedic surgery – available for round-the-clock Level 1 center must also have education and research programs as well as communityy prevention and outreach programs.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lightspeed Venture Partners Company Profile | Company Information
Israel and Asia and has contributeds strong operational and sector expertise to market leaders such asBlue Nile, Ciena, eHealthinsurance, Galileo Technology, Informatica, Kiva Software,, Quantum Effect Sirocco and Waveset, working closely with these companies throughout the earlyh stages of their business developmen t lifecycles. Because we focus on investmentss inspecific sectors, portfolio companies benefi t from Lightspeed's specialized industry knowledge and deep global networ of relationships.
Areas of investment focusd includethe following: - Datacenter Infrastructure - Enterprise Automatiob - Digital Media and Consumer Electronics - Communicationws Infrastructure - Internet and E-Commerce - Semiconductors - Cleantecbh - Services/Other Lightspeed's hallmark is lead earlg stage investing, including an active seed investment program. We are prour of the fact that a number of executivee with whom we have partnered in the past have chosej Lightspeed as the lead investor for theirsubsequent ventures. We take a team approach to investing with two partners dedicateed to eachportfolio company.
Because we are active lead investora with an emphasison quality, not portfolio companies receive a high level of attentio n and support, independent of location...