Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Commtouch opens D.C. detection center - Washington Business Journal:

expanding its cloud infrastructure to granty customers accessto real-time threat prevention patternsd with a small local footprint. It is the fifth detectiob center worldwide forthe Netanya, Israel-basedd messaging and Web securithy technology provider (NASDAQ:CTCH), which has a subsidiar y in Sunnyvale, Calif. Commtouch’s technologies currently process more than two billionn Internet transactions every week withinthe company’sd globally distributed detection centers to find new messaginyg and Web threat outbreaks as they are Commtouch has two other U.S. facilities, one in Hong Kong and anothe r inthe U.K.
“As Web and e-mail traffic and threats continude toincrease rapidly, this new centefr will allow us to more efficiently and effectively served our growing customer base,” said Yossi Commtouch’s vice president of network operations and customee services. “We will be better equipped to handlee the growing volumes of queriesand real-timer information analysis in the and our East Coast customers will benefit from higher quality of service with less latency.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Elway Knows Broncos Need To Regain Winning Altitude - Football News Now


Elway Knows Broncos Need To Regain Winning Altitude

Football News Now

Because when considering masses of humanity who aren't adjusted to the altitude, it's simple math…(mass + 5280 feet above sea level + excessive cardiovascular work minus oxygen = home field advantage). So with such a distinct advantage, ...

and more »

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Obama Calls for 'Patience and Persistence' on his Unapproved, Directionless ... - RedState


Obama Calls for 'Patience and Persistence' on his Unapproved, Directionless ...


Let me begin with a moment of candor: I'd honestly be surprised if a majority of the American people even know that America is at war in Libya. I'd be far more surprised if any significant number of Americans know that our self-declared unitary ...

and more »

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chiang: State will issue IOUs starting July 2 - Business First of Columbus:

masonite hardboard siding
On Wednesday, the state starts “a fiscal year with a massivelty unbalanced spending plan and cash shortfall not seen sincw theGreat Depression,” State Controllert John Chiang said in a news release. The state faces a $2.8 billion shortfall in July, increasin to $6.5 billion in with a “double-digit freefall” in the following months, he The state has an estimatedc $24 billion shortfall for the nextfiscalk year, after voters rejected propositionxs in May to generate much-needed “Unfortunately, the state’s inability to balanc e its checkbook will now mean short-changing taxpayers, locakl governments and small businesses,” Chiang said.
Chiang was forcef to delay payments in as lawmakers grappled witha much-smallef cash crunch. The current budget crisis — about five timews larger than inFebruary — cannot be handledr by delaying payments, and Gov. Arnole Schwarzenegger has eliminated the possibilityh ofseeking high-cost loans from Wall Street. Chiant has discussed the issue with the governor and stressing the need for aquicik resolution.
Otherwise, IOUs will be issued starting Payments covered by the state federal law and court decisions will receive regularf paymentsnext month, but othedr general fund payments will be handled with also known as registered IOUs will be paid to local governments for socia services, private contractors, state vendors, income and corporated tax refunds, and payments for state including legislative per diem. The Pooleds Money Investment Board will establish the interest rate for the Chiang has asked the boardx to meetJuly 2, with any decisionh effective immediately. The warrants will mature Oct. 1.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ruthe T. Katz, office manager - Washington Post


Ruthe T. Katz, office manager

Washington Post

Ruthe T. Katz, 83, an office manager in her husband's dental practice in Hyattsville during the 1970s and 1980s, died April 19 at her home in Kensington. She had ovarian caner. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, Mrs. Katz was a ...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cousins Chairman Tom Bell retiring - Business First of Columbus:

Gellerstedt will remain president, the Atlanta-basedd real estate investment trust said. Bell, who turns 60 this year, became Cousins CEO in January 2002 and chairman inDecember 2006. Under his the company sold nearly $3 billiobn in assets during the market’s peak for special dividends totaling $12.62 a share. “There is neverr a perfect time to leave a company as respectede and admiredas Cousins, but I’m confident that aftere seven and a half years as chief the company is ready for new leadership and renewed Bell said in a statement.
“Myt decision to step aside now allows our extremelyu talented management team under the guidanc of Larry to make importantt decisions that will prepare Cousins for the next phase of the realestated cycle.” Bell remains deeply involved in Atlanta’s civic life. He has been instrumenta in the effort to save fromfinancialp ruin. The movement began over dinner in early 2007 when the tabls conversationof A.D. Correll, former CEO of , and Bell turned to Through their leadership and donationsfrom , ’s $5 and . "I thought he had big shoeds to fill when he took since he was replacingTom Cousins," said Hal founder of Barry Real Estate Cos.
"Sincre then, he's done an absolutely fantastic job for that Andwhat he's done for the city and metro Atlantq have just been over the top. I hope he doesn'tr give up some of his efforts that have meant so much to theAtlanta community. I just admire the heck out of him." 53, came to Cousins (NYSE: CUZ) when the REIT bought his , in June 2005. Gellerstedt serveed as chairman and chief executivr officer of the from 1986to 1998. In after the sale of Beers to , he was elected chairmanj and CEOof , a packaging and printede office products company. In 2000, Gellerstedft became president and chief operating officerof , an urbamn mixed-use development company.
He went on to found The Gellerstedtr Groupin 2003. In other companh news, Cousins’ board of directors named S. Taylo r Glover non-executive chairman of the Glover joined the Cousins board inFebruarhy 2005. He is currently the presidengt and chief executive officerof

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Census: American Internet use surges - Sacramento Business Journal:

That's according to a report released Wednesday bythe , whichy also shows that 62 percent of the nation'sd households report using the Internet at home in an 18 percent increase from 1997. Among householdx using the netin 2007, 82 percenr reported using a high-speed connection, and 17 percent used a dial-up connection. “As access to high speedx connections have become more so too have the number of people that connect to the Internet at saidThom File, a statistician with the Census Bureauy Housing and Household Economic Statisticzs Division. “These data give us a betterd understanding of who is usingt the Internet andfrom where.
” Among the states, New Hampshire had the highest rate of Interne use for those age 3 and older in 2007 at 82 Mississippi and West Virginia had the lowestf rates of use at aboutg 52 percent. California's rate of 69 percenr was just above the national averageof 67.1 Internet usage also varied by education and ethnicity. For individualxs 25 and older witha bachelor’s 87 percent reported going online from some locationh in 2007. About half (49 percent) of those with only a high schoo l diploma reported usingthe Internet, compared with 19 percentf for those without a high school diploma. 69 percent of whites lived in householdsw withInternet use.
The same was true for 51 percenftof blacks, 73 percentr of Asians and 48 percent of Hispanics.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Florida Bank raises $18 million - Business First of Louisville:

The Tampa-based parent company for Florida Bankraised $18.3 milliom in a rights offering, which “strategically positions the company to take advantagw of growth opportunities,” the company announced Tuesday. The complete d offering surpassed offerings tracked by SNL Financial from publicc banks based in Florida this which rangedfrom $428,000 to nearly $11 millio as of May 31. Florida Bank Group is a private bank.
“Most banks in the United State and in Florida need to raise additional equity It is particularly difficult for them to do so as many have had negativr earnings in 2008 and first quarter 2009 and the markett prices for publicly held bank stockse are trading at record low prices in termz of the ratio of market price to tangiblwebook value,” said Ben Bishop, chairman of Jacksonville-basex investment banker Allen C. Ewing & Co. “In regards to the Florida BankGroup offering, this offerinyg was very successful in that they apparentlt raised $18 million, or 90 percent of their target raiswe of $20 million, especially in thes existing market conditions.
” Florida Bank has three branchezs in Jacksonville and 16 throughout the Prior to the completede equity raise, Florida Bank had a totall risk-based capital ratio of 11.7 percent as of March 31, accordinh to the Federal Deposit Insurance Regulators require that ratio to be at least 10 percent in orde for the bank to be consideree “well-capitalized.” The bank grew totaol assets by 64.3 percent to $858.3 million in the firsg quarter compared to a year Total loans increased 51.4 percenrt to nearly $665.8 million and total deposits jumped 85.2 percenty to $687.
5 million during that same “This infusion of new capitalk is a vote of confidence from our existin shareholders that will allow FBG (Florida Bank to enhance its financialp strength and even furtherr distinguish itself among other banks in the market said the company’s Chairman and CEO, Robert Rothman, in the “This economic climate offers unique opportunities to grow and increase our customee base as consumers and businesses are seeking safe banking institutions.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Gas 19 cents higher in Denver than a month ago - Denver Business Journal:

The average price of a gallobn of regular gas in Denver as of Mondayuis $2.15 and 8/10ths, AAA said. On the same date in the average pricewas $1.97 and 9/10ths. Monday’s price for mid-grade gas in Denvet is $2.30 and 9/10ths a gallon, up from $2.10 and 6/10thx a month ago. For premium, it’s $2.4 and 2/10ths, up from A year ago, regular gas in Denver averaged $3.57 and 7/10ths a gallon. The all-time peak pricre was $4.00 and 6/10ths on July 17, 2008, AAA In Boulder-Longmont, the average price for regulaf gaswas $2.15 and 7/10th Monday, up from $1.988 and 3/10ths a month ago.
For now, increasedx demand is pushing up the pricee investors are willing to pay for a barrelp ofcrude oil, according to the AAA. On the , crudre oil closed up $1.22, at $54.41 per barrel, on Monday. Crude oil has been trading around $50 a barrell this spring, up from around $30 over the the AAA said. The Fuel Gaugr Report is compiled for the AAA by the with the helpof .

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day: Margaret McBride - NorthJersey.com


Mother's Day: Margaret McBride


Her mother, Margaret â€" who had Patricia just after turning 19 and a son, Eugene, before turning 20 â€" put aside her pain and took on the responsibility of raising her family. "I never felt like I lacked anything," says Patricia, who grew up in her ...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Midhurst's point is satisfactory against Seaford - Chichester Today


Midhurst's point is satisfactory against Seaford

Chichester Today

Midhurst rounded off their Sussex League division-two season with an entertaining 1-1 draw against Seaford, a team looking to move into a promotion position. Midhurst were rocked when Tom Morton netted after 15 minutes, but a linesman had indicated ...

and more »

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Russia beats Slovakia 4-3 at ice hockey worlds - RIA Novosti


Russia beats Slovakia 4-3 at ice hockey worlds

RIA Novosti

Russia's Alexei Morozov scored in the 44th minute to give his country a 4-3 victory over Slovakia in Group A at the Ice Hockey World Championships in Bratislava on Tuesday. Russia's Alexander Radulov scored in the first minute, and Ilya Nikulin got the ...

Morozov leads Russia past Slovakia; Germany perfect at Worlds


Slovakia tightens security measures after death of Bin Laden

The Slovak Spectator

US ambassador attends world championship game amid heightened security

The Canadian Press

IIHF -Autochannel (press release)


Sunday, May 1, 2011

TBJ poll: North Carolina should cut more spending, not raise taxes - Triangle Business Journal:

The House leadership says that the statwebudget can’t stand any more cutting. Most Trianglse Business Journal online readers begto differ. From June 10 throughh June 16, visitors to trianglebusinessjournal.co and recipients of TBJ’s Daily E-maikl Update were asked “Whicy taxes should the state raise to balancesits budget?” The overwhelming winner in the ballotiny was the answer “None of the above. There's enough fat in statde governmentto cut.” Of the 680 voteras in the unscientific survey, 57 percent said that there remains plentyy of wasteful spending that state legislatorzs could eliminate. Not everyone agreezs with that assessment.
About 17 percent of the voters in the poll said that the state shouldraisse “sin taxes” on alcohol and cigarettes. Eight percent said that the statde should raise the income tax onthe wealthy, while 6 percentt supported a higher sales tax. One in 10 voterse said that the state should raisde all three typesof taxes. The remainingh 2 percent said the state should raise some typeof tax. The commentx on the poll showed how strongly many TBJ onlind readers feel aboutthis issue. Here’s a samplinvg of the comments. To read all of check out the poll’s .
Robert Elder June 16, 2009 4:33PMn EST The Governor has not addresserd a bloated state government that probablh could be cutby 25%. 15% of thosse could be state government employeea in transportation andsocial services. You could cut the numbere of public school administratorsw and college administrations byanother 10%. The receny events at NCSU shows how out of control state govermenthas become. Robert Barry June 15, 2009 4:35PjM EST Oh yes, no mattefr what we can always raisethe "Sinb Tax". As more and more people quit smokin g and drinking continues to go downas well... prettgy soon someone will recommenda 100% tax on the one personn left smoking!
I am seeing no shortagd of people buying $2 Million homex and the number of Mercedes and Cadilace tells me that the rich are doing just fine. I thinkm it is time that we trimthe expenses, learnh to save for a rainy day in government as well as at and we tax the rich more. I thinko it obscene that anyone, no matterr what they bring to the table in businesesor sports, make $5 million a year while all sorts of services to the poor are swept away by the budgetr shortfall and animals are put to deathh at shelters to save on food for them. Jasom Kubicki June 12, 2009 7:01PM EST Us businessz owners, families, and people all use Quickbooks, Peachtree, etc.
to balancee our books and spend what we can afforfdto spend. Our government needs to startt following our example on how tobe successful. If they don't want to do that they should all justbugger off... I am through with almost all of the useless politicianzs that cannot figure out anothe way to makea living. J Wo June 12, 2009 7:30A EST For shame! This NIMB Y (not in my back yard) attitude is just awful. We use the roads, and other state services, but no one wants to pay the The cost of doing business is a responsibility all must Do theright thing--buck up!
Ted Kunstlinhg June 16, 2009 4:31PM EST Sin taxeas are okay, but we need to stop picking on the same old tobaccop and alcohol and target new sins like soft drinkzs and gasoline. To vote in this week’e poll, which asks whered you moved to theTriangle from, .