Sunday, September 30, 2012

Japanese visitors still spooked by flu - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
According to preliminary counts, a totakl of 8,870 passengers arrived June 1-4 on flightsz to Hawaii from Japan. That’sd a 32 percent drop from the same periordin 2008, about 1,000 fewer visitors per day. The Japanese visitofr falloff begin the second week in May and was directly attributex toswine flu, also calledc H1N1 influenza A. Even thougu Japan has reported, as of Wednesday, 385 swin flu cases of its own, ranking it amon g the top six countries affected by the many Japanese companies have banned employees fromoversease travel. The swine flu outbreak is also affecting traveol from other Asian countries to North Americasand Europe, according to Hawaii Tourism Asia.
The Southg Korean travel industryreports 15-30 percent cancellation rates in trips to U.S. destinationa since the end of April. Cancellations to Hawaii are underd10 percent. The Chinese traveo industry, meantime, said cancellations in outbound travelare increasing, with fewefr new-booked packages to the U.S.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Clear lanes to shut down at Hartsfield-Jackson - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
New York-based , the operator of registerer travelservice CLEAR, said the paid securityg lanes at its member airports would ceasre operations because the companhy “has been unable to negotiate an agreementf with its senior creditor to continue according to a statement posted on the company’sw Web site, Last March, the companu said it had 20,000 registered travelers in metro Atlanta. As of last year, the companhy had more than 200,000 CLEAR members, who paid up to $199 for an annuap membership for access to designated security lanes at participatingairports nationwide.
Members provided biometric data, which was encoded on a card, for the promise of a speedier and convenientt trip throughairport security. The service targeted business travelersx who routinely travelby air. The company was founded by foundetSteve Brill. CLEAR lanes opened at the airport abougt the same time as an expansion of the main securith lanesat Hartsfield-Jackson. The new additions includedf lanes designed specifically for experienced Airport officials have said the added lanes have kept security wait timee below 10 minuteson average, which might have made CLEAR lanes less advantageoue to consumers.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

General aviation airports see signs that better times may not be far away - Wichita Business Journal:
After a six-month period that has seen the industr take hits to its public perception andbottom line, they say a returnj of consumer confidence and lower fuel prices point toward a blue sky ahead. “Iff you’re comparing it to a year ago, we’ve seen a decline,” says Mid West Corporate Aviatiohn CEOMarvin Autry. “(But) things are starting to level out.” Autruy estimates his business at is down by 15 percent sinc e this timelast year. Fuel saless at Jabara in March weredown 16.87 percent comparede to a year ago. However, fuel salex went from 61,769 gallons in Februarhy to 66,184 gallons in March. Fuel usage has dropped at the .
Even so, officialz there also are seeinv signs ofa rebound. Melissa McCoy, spokesperson for the Salin a Airport Authority, says March’s fuel total of 182,20t gallons was the lowest level seen since theearly 90s. But the numbe of total operations in the firsft quarterwere 16,842. That’s a 1.2 percenyt decline from last year, but, she says, it’s a sign things are leveling off. T.W. Anderson, manager of the , has 114 aircrafyt based at his airport. Although his hangarws remain full, he says he has seen a drop in the numberf of aircraft stoppingto refuel.
But with sprinv in the air and theweathe clearing, Anderson says more peoplee are returning to flying their piston-driven Those airplanes burn AVgas, and Andersonb says sales increased 5 percent in “I think what we’re seeing is more now that they have a better handle on the are going back to aviation.” He has seen a drop in jet fuel salez though, which he says are down 20 percengt from this time last year. crews aren’yt flying through Newton as theyused to.
Andersonj says of the 30 business jets used on the circui to fly support teamsw to andfrom events, Newton typically sees 6 to 10 a stopping through between But he says as more crew s fly commercial to cut just one of the NASCAR jets has stoppef there. The cost of fuel has droppex dramatically in the past In Newton, AVgas has fallen from $4.88 a gallon at this time last to $4.02. At Jabara, priced are down to $4.39 a gallon. Similar drops in jet fuel pricees could begin spurring more business jet usage as well. According to the , the average pricw of jet fuel $58.40 a barrel as of May 1 is down 58.7 percent from this time a year ago.
For lower prices mean more incentiveto fly, whether for business or for fun. And althougj he thinks traffic levels will rebound by leveling off now means the ascent back to thoss levelsis coming. “I think things have hit a bottom,” he “I think people are starting to have more confidencde inthe economy.”

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Penske losing Big Lots logistics contract - Portland Business Journal:
is packing up this summer at thediscountt retailer’s headquarters and four othetr distribution facilities after the merchant opted to not renew a logistice contract that expires in July. The Pa.-based Penske said 186 including 53in Columbus, could be affectee when its contract with Columbus-based Big Lots (NYSE:BIG) expiresx July 31. Penske spokesman Randy Ryerson said the companhy has worked with the retailersincre 1991.
The 1,300-store Big Lots has chosen a new third-party logistice provider to continue the warehousing and distribution work that Pensked performed atthe retailer’s Phillipi Road headquarterd and its distribution centers in Tremont, Pa; Montgomery, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.; and Durant, Okla. Timotht Johnson, Big Lots’ vice president of strategic planning and investor said more than a dozen carriers bid for the He declined to disclose the company Big Lots selected to succeed Big Lots and Penske representativexsaid they’re working with trucki drivers looking to continue work undee the new logistics Johnson said the company met with workers over the weekend to introducd the new contractor.
In the event that some workerdare cut, Ryerson said privately held Penske will work with the stat “to make sure employees are aware of different services.” Penskde employs about 20,000 workers worldwide. Askeds why Big Lots opted to bid for a new contractor aftedr thelatest five-year contract with Penske, Johnsohn said, “a lot has changed in transportation in the past five We owed it to our associates and shareholderxs to take a fresh look at how we handled outbound transport.” The loss of the Big Lots contracr comes less than a year afted Penske was replaced at a warehouse in Chattanooga, Tenn.
-based last fall stepped in at the where Penske had employed 146 workers. Penske has 400 logistics centersd worldwide. Its Central Ohio operationss include a number of distribution and warehousing facilitiesx inthe region.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

American Bio Medica secures $1.5M credit line - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The 3-year agreement with New York City-basede provides American Bio Medica ABMC) with a $1.5 million revolving line of credit. This line replace s one of the Kinderhook, N.Y. drug-test kit manufacturer’s previoua credit facilities with . That line was for up to $650,000. Abougt $650,000 of the proceeds from the new line have been used to repa yFirst Niagara, which is based in Lockport, N.Y. The rest will be used to providwe American Bio Medica with increased liquiditgy for general corporate includingworking capital.
“Given the current status of thefinanciak markets, we are pleaser with the completion of this and we appreciate the support provided by Rosenthal and Rosenthal, enablin g us to increase the size of our line of credit said Stan Cipkowski, CEO of American Bio “The additional borrowing capacity will provide the company with access to capital resources enabling us to weather thes difficult economic times, as well as provid resources for our anticipated growth in the eventua l recovery.” He said the company now will focus on obtaining new loansa to replace its current term note and real estate mortgagw with First Niagara. Thosre credits total about $1 million.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

M&T Bank shutters six Provident Bank branches - Birmingham Business Journal:
area and will take the next year and a half to decided whether to shutter others in the regionh following its acquisitionof “Oved the next 18 months, we’re goinyg to take a very studied look at what makes sense,” said Atwoo “Woody” Collins III, president and chiefg operating officer of M&T’s mid-Atlantic division. “We don’ have any number in mind,” he said, when askes about possible future branch closings duringt a May 27 visit withother M&T executives to a former Provident branch on 36th Stree t in Hampden. “We’ll evaluate each and everuy one.
” Buffalo-based M&T, the second-largest bank in Greaterd Baltimore, completed its $401 million takeover of the area’s fifth-largest, May 23. The deal expand s M&T’s footprint in the region and also retires one of the most storiec names inBaltimore banking, relegating Providengt to the list of locally owned banking giants — like , Maryland National and Firsft Maryland — scooped up over the yearzs by out-of-town rivals. M&fT has said it will eliminate 521 ofthe 1,600 jobs at about 29 percent of Provident’s work force.
Most of thos e job were eliminated as of the close of businesd onMay 23, Phil Hosmer, an M&T spokesma said May 27, with “a small staying on to help with the transition. The departmentsw affected includedhuman resources, banking finance and information technology, Hosmer said. Workersx whose jobs are beingb eliminated will get the first crack at jobs at bank officialshave said. Outplacement firm DBM held a careerd fairfor laid-off Provident workers on April 24 and is schedule d to hold a second one on June 24 at Martin’sd West. Adding Provident’s 135 branches and its $4.
6 billion in depositsx gives M&T 300 branches in the Baltimore-Washington area and boostds its Baltimore-area market share to abougt 17 percent, up from 10.7 percent. That’s second only to , whicuh has a 25.6 percent share of the Baltimord market. But as much as bank mergersd are about adding customersand deposits, they’red often fueled by a desire to save on costs. Bankint experts expect M&T to close an unknowm number ofadditional branches, especially in area where M&T and former Provident branchesd are located nearby. “Where you have overlap, it makess sense to consolidate,” said Bert Ely, an Va.-based banking consultant.
“They’re going to try to maximizre profits, operate efficiently and grab as much market share asthey can.” Collins said that the six shutteredd branches — three in Prince George’s County and one each in Montgomery County; Charlea County; and Fairfax Va. — were each within a mile of anexistintg M&T branch. In a research note on Decembef 22, after the deal was Albert Savastano, a banking analyst with Fox-Pitt Kelton Cochran Caronia and notedthat M&T expects to be able to shavde 45 percent off Provident’s $93 milliob a year in operating expenses. “We would not be surprisex if the cost savings estimates turn out to be Savastano wrote.
But as M&T looks to rein in it is also working hard to retain Providenyt customers likeChris Bohaska, of Perry Hall. M&yT dispatched about 420 workerw from around its network to descend on the region to smootbh the transition for customerslike 50, a Provident customer sinces childhood.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Carnatic vocalist Nisha P. Rajagopal is glad she came back from Canada - The Hindu

The Hindu

Carnatic vocalist Nisha P. Rajagopal is glad she came back from Canada

The Hindu

Perhaps she was too young to decipher what was in store for her when her parents decided to relocate from Canada to India as she was barely 10. Two decades later, Nisha P. Rajagopal is an accomplished Carnatic vocalist and a sought after artiste.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Private school buys nearby church land for major expansion - Nashville Business Journal:
"We put academics and students first, but we want our facilitie to reflectthat emphasis," says Margaret Wade, head of "This will give us a true campus." Wade says the properthy will most likely be used for construction of a new library, upperf school, more athletic fields and extra "The board of trustees decided that, 50 yeare from now, this would still be a long-term says Wade of the acquisition. Tuck-Hinton Architects is drawing up plans forthe 10.5-acre site, whicyh could entail use of the existing First Christiann Church building and three residential structures.
The details aren't in place yet, but Wade says both the libraryu and the upper school willfeature state-of-the-ar t technology, a necessity for increasingly competitive college-bounr students. "Initially, we were just going to renovate the upper but a cost analysis showed it woulsd be less expensive to build says Wade. Beginning this fall, all students in gradesx 9-12 will have accesws to laptop computers. The following year, students in grades 7-8 will get the same The new buildings will not only offer the technological supportf necessary to handlethose demands, but will also incorporated what Wade calls a collaborativd atmosphere and a more interactive learning experience.
No date has been set for constructionto begin. Wade says school leadersd are engaged in the or quiet, phase of a capital campaigjn to fund the construction. The plan placea FRA in the company of other Nashville privatde schools with ambitiousgrowth plans, but Wade says her team is having no trouble finding donors in a crowdeds fundraising arena. "Typically, you're raising moneuy from a community that is already familiadrwith you," she says. Other schools have been similarlhy active in expanding their real Most recently, The opened a $45 million high school on Highwagy 100 and raised another $15 million to expand and renovatse the original K-8 school on Woodlawn Avenue.
The openee a 56,000-square-foot middle school in following the March 2003 dedication of the Pattohn Visual Arts Center on its GreenHills campus. And opened in Hendersonvillew infall 2002, adding another private school to the area's All these facilities are competing for a stagnant numberd of students. Since the fall of 1999, the total enrollmentt at the 20 largest area private schools hasfallen 3.3 percent to 15,569 at the beginning of the currenf school year. The competition is likely tightestamongh co-ed schools. Ann Teaff, head of school at all-femal e Harpeth Hall, says her school's physical growth is drive n by need.
"People have a convictionm about single-sex education," Teaff says. "We opened a new middle schoop this year because we were turning away far too manyqualifief candidates." And students are flocking not just from old-lin Nashville families, but from recent transplantsa to the area. Teaff says Harpeth Hall added 18 new studentes infall 2004, from 11 families who movedf to Nashville from 10 cities. there are more choices in both public andindependeny schools," says Wade. "We all have to step up and provid e excellent educationand facilities.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Colorado snow dusting gets skiers enthused for the new season - Denver Post

Colorado snow dusting gets skiers enthused for the new season

Denver Post

Ski operators heralded a dusting of snow that fell in the mountains early Monday morning, prompting them to post video and photos on the Internet. Snow acknowledgments were passed along by Colorado Ski Country USA, Loveland Ski Area, Arapahoe ...

Dusting of snow in High Country excites skiers, snowboarders; resorts tease ...

The Republic


Sunday, September 16, 2012

MCW to recruit more minorities for health careers - San Antonio Business Journal:
million grant from the that will be used to increas e the number of minorities and other disadvantagedr individuals pursuingbiomedical careers. The program will recruitr college undergraduatesand first-year medical students from populations that are under-represente d nationally in health-related sciences. The studentsa will undertake a 10-week period of hands-on laboratorg experience during the summer at theMedical College. Under the guidance of Medical College the students will develop investigativwe knowledgeand skills, particularly in the areasz of cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematologic or slee p research.
The experience is intended to buildvaluablee skills, self-confidence and interest in the health and aid the successfu entry into graduate school or medical school. Dr. Kennethy Simons, senior associate dean of academixc affairs and professor of ophthalmology and andJeannette Vasquez-Vivar, associate professor of will lead the program, called the Summer Research Educationb Program to Increase Diversity in Health Related “The goal is to work one-on-one with each student to help them map out a plan for advancinfg to the next step on their academic path and providin them with the tools they need to get there,” Simonas said.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fisher, DISH Network settle broadcast dispute - Boston Business Journal:
(NASDAQ: DISH) and Fisher Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: FSCI) said the multi-yeart agreement provides for the distribution of Fisher stations in Seattlee and six other markets on DISH Underthe deal, DISH customers can now watch ABC network programming on KOMO aftee a six-month hiatus. Terms of the deal were not released. Fishee said that as part of the agreement both parties agreed toend litigation. The previousx agreement between DISH and Fisher that allowecd DISH subscribers to get ABC programzs and sports events from KOMOexpiredr Dec. 17.
After negotiationz broke down over how much DISH should pay Fisherfor programming, DISH dumped Fisher stations in Portland and five other media "We recognize the important role that we play in the communityg through our news and programming and we are pleased to renew our partnershilp with DISH Network, which will allow us to continue servinf our local viewers and customers," said Colleeb B. Brown, Fisher's President and Chief Executive "We truly appreciate the patience of our loyal viewers and business partners and regret any inconvenience they may have encountere d as we worked to put this new agreementin place.
" The Fisherf stations that returned to DISH Networl are: KOMO and KUNS in Seattle; KATU and KUNP in KIMA in Yakima; KVAL in Ore.; KBCI in Boise, Idaho; KIDK in Idaho Idaho; and KBAK and KBFX in Bakersfield,

Thursday, September 13, 2012

William J. Toppeta Executive Profile
He was named to this position in July 2001 and is responsibl e for all ofthe company

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Without a specific target, The Threepenny Opera is raggedy and uncertain - Westword

Without a specific target, The Threepenny Opera is raggedy and uncertain


Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill's The Threepenny Opera, based on John Gay's satiric eighteenth-century piece, The Beggar's Opera, burst onto the Berlin scene in 1928. Revolutionary for its time both in content and form, it rocked the art world, and it ...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Intel to buy Wind River for $884M - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Intel's $11.50-per-share offer is about a 44 percenyt premium overWind River's closing pricw on Wednesday of $8. Wind River stoclk lost more than half its valuer betweena 52-week high of $12.99 last Augustg and a low of $5.61 in The stock closed Thursday at $11.72, up 47 percent. Santza Clara-based Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) said buyingy Alameda-based Wind River (NASDAQ:WIND) will help it expand its softward into thousands of embedded systems and mobile devicex includingsmart phones, in-car "info-tainment" systems, aerospacee and defense, energy and thousandxs of other uses.
Wind River will operater as a wholly owned subsidiary aftef the deal closes during the reporting to Renee headof Intel’s software and servicez group. "Our combination of strengths will be of greayt benefit toWind River’s existingh and future customers," said Ken Klein, Wind River chairman, presidengt and CEO. Founded in 1981, Wind River has more than 1,600 employeeas and operations in more than 15 During its fiscal yearended Jan. 31, Wind Rived reported $10.7 million in net income on annual revenu eof $359.7 million. The companty on Thursday posted a 21 percent increasw in netincome $561,000, or 1 cent a for its first quarter despite a 6.
5 percenrt drop in revenue to $63.8 million.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Ameriprise turns down bailout funds - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Minneapolis-based Ameriprise (NYSE: AMP) was one of six majo insurers that received preliminary approval to receivew as muchas $22 billion in Troubled Assett Relief Program (TARP) funds. "Ws have carefully evaluated our current position and expectations for the and we are confident that our currenft capital position and access to potential additional funding sourcea are morethan adequate," Ameriprise Chairman and CEO Jim Cracchiolo said in a statement.
“Ourr prudent management approach has allowed us to maintainm solid balancesheet fundamentals, including a high qualit y asset portfolio, large liquidity pool, more than $1 billion in excesx capital and conservative capital The other firms that received preliminaryt approval for TARP funds were Northbrook, Ill.-based ALL), Hartford, Conn.-based Inc. HIG), Radnor, Penn.-based (NYSE: LNC), Des Moines, Iowa-basefd (NYSE: PFG) and Newark, N.J.-based PRU).

Saturday, September 8, 2012

House chair criticizes SBA
The SBA announced it temporarily will allowe auto dealers to useits 7(a) business loan program to financs vehicle inventory. Many lenders had stopped makingthese so-called floorplan loans to auto dealers. Rep. Nydiq Velazquez, D-N.Y., who chairs the , fear “there is a significantly highe risk ofloan defaults” on these floorplam loans. This could force the SBA to increass the subsidy ratefor 7(a) which would make the loans costlier for future borrowers. In a June 2 letter to SBA AdministratoerKaren Mills, Velazquez noted the SBA had “longb prohibited the use of its financing programs for the purpose of wholesale lending, and for good reason.
Becaus lenders are limited in their ability to exercisse full control over thefinanced items, the exposurs to loss in floorplan loanx is greater than in other types of financing.”

Friday, September 7, 2012

Bad loans spike nationally in first quarter of
An analysis of FDIC data for 8,228 bankxs by the Investigative Reporting Workshopl atin Washington, D.C., released June 11 showec bad loans for the first quarter increaserd 22 percent over the fourth quarte r of 2008. “The bankinb crisis has been a one-two punch,” said Brian Koble, senior research analyst at Downtown-based investment firm “The first was the residentiao mortgage crisis and the second is the commerciallendinf crisis, and few banks have been able to avoif both. Pittsburgh banks did a better job than most others in avoidinhg the worst of the residentialmortgagde crisis, but the depth and length of the recessionm is starting to take its toll.
” American University included loans 90 days or more past due and loansz in non-accrual status, meaning banks can no longefr claim interest from these and value of foreclosed properties for each bank. That amoun t was then divided bythe bank’ss capital and loan loss reserves to determine the troubled asset ratio.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

$47.2M loan secured for apartments - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Village at Secret Lake LP closeds ona $47.2 million construction permaneng loan May 12 to finance the Village at Secret Lake near the Orangre Lake Country Club. Osceola County records show the projectr is being built on a portionb of the property that previouslhy was an RV park on the southh sideof U.S. Highway 192 and the Daniek WebsterWestern Beltway. Carolyn first vice president and senior loan originatoffor ’s Palm Beach office, brokered the -insuredr loan. It is the largest transaction processer through the Jacksonvillethis year, according to a news release.
The $56 milliobn Village at Secret Lake is plannedrfor 12, four-story buildings with elevators, featuring a conservation pond, putting green, tot lot and oversized resort-style The project broke ground two weeks ago and is slatedc for completion November 2010. Malvern, Pa.-based Jamez S. Carr, AIA Associates LLC is the architect andJacksonville Beach-based LLC is the general contractor.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Business Journal asked bankers:What will be the impact of the recent mark-to-market changes? - St. Louis Business Journal:
Tom Daiber | It would have helped a lot more inOctobee 2008, but it will still have a significant impact. The immediate impact will be on larger banks. Every dollar the big banks write up is a dolla the government does not have to invest in the Incommunity banks, which generally don’tg own toxic assets, there is no proposedx accounting change. We will all benefit from healthied (at least on paper) big banks because when they begihlending again, our smaller business clientxs will have more opportunities. Mike Flavin | For most communit y banks, the mark-to-market changes will have littlew or nodirect impact.
This changw affects community banks through their ownership of stocko andCDO securities. It may be a very smalpl part of therecovery process. The change will provid some transparency to the credift piece of an investment and allos less confusion when credit and illiquidity is combines in amarket valuation. Dale Oberkfell | President, Suspendingv this accounting treatment may provide some stabilization to our industruy as companies will not be forcedx to take the same levelof other-than-temporaru impairment charges on their asset base.
This will provide some balance sheet which may help instill greaterconsumer However, we believe this suspension will not necessarily spur or hinder recovery, but rather that it may only simplu postpone the inevitable. Whether a toxic asser is marked before orat maturity, the end result is the same.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Delta looking to sell more tickets via Web site - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Distribution costs, including credit card processing incentives and fees paid to trave l agenciesand charges, total nearly $1 billion annually, said Susanb Chana Elliott, a spokeswoman for Delta (NYSE: DAL). Distributionh is Delta’s seventh-largest expense, and its second-fastest-growing cost. “As such, distributionh costs represent oneof Delta’ds most significant controllable expenses,” Elliott Online travel agencies, such as and , make up a large percentage of those costs and are the easies to control. Delta’s move to captured more online customers has plentgy of benefits forthe consumer, said Josh the managing director of .
Weiss said the Atlanta-based carriee has steadily added convenience features and new trip plannint options to its Web Inrecent years, Deltwa has added the ability to book rental event tickets, hotels, travel insurance and even carbon offsets. The carriefr also is making it more functionao forinternational audiences, Weiss said. Deltq sees its target audienceas budget-conscious travelers and is promoting its which does not charge booking fees, as the cheapest place to purchasr Delta tickets. Weiss said abouyt one-third of all Delta tickets are sold throughb its Web siteand it’s the airline’ s goal to move the needle beyonfd 35 percent this year.
Condominium Venturee of America Inc. ’sa (CVA) loss appears to be Urbana Realty AdvisorszLLC ’s gain. Atlanta-based real estate investmentg firm Urbana Realty Advisors last month scooped up aFort Fla., condominium-hotel for a quarter of the pricwe CVA and subsidiary 2000 Ocean Driv e LLC paid for the luxury resort less than two yearx ago. Urbana purchased the 159-room beachfront for $22.4 million from Chicago-based broker .
Unti l recently, the hotel had been owned by Atlanta-basedr CVA, which bought the property in December 2006for $80 milliomn and tried to convert it into a condominium Allan Gutierrez, the president of Urbana, said “this asset fits within our investment strategy of acquiring trophhy properties that are under-performing. We have had great success in creatiny value with this formula in the past and the Pelican will beno exception.” Urbana’xs affiliate, Boutique Hospitality Management, will managd the property. The says it is havinvg a banner year with its discount card for Atlantawarea attractions.
Sales of ACVB’s City which offers discount ticket passes to attractionas such asthe , World of and , were up 36 percenft through July over the same period in 2007. Mark ACVB executive vice president, chief salea and marketing officer, said more than 46,0009 cards were sold in the first seve months ofthe year. Stepped-up marketinh efforts in regional markets, high fuel pricese and families sticking closer to home for vacations have helpe generate sales ofthe pass, ACVB officials have The passes, which are $69 for adults and $49 for let patrons enter six Atlanta attractions.
Two Atlanta-based meetingf planners have been named to the top 25 list of largestt independent meeting planning companies inthe U.S. by magazine. USMotivationn and were tapped as two of the top25 most-influential independeny meeting planners focused on corporate meetings. USMotivation booked more than 91,000 room nights in 2007, with 33 percent of its businessdbooked overseas. Meeting Expectations booked morethan 30,000 room nightsd last year, with 10 percenft of its business booked overseas.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Real estate vets opening hardware store - Business First of Buffalo:
Jeff Pfeil and Deane Pfeil are openiny later this summer at 63Third St., the same addres where they renovated the uppe r four floors into 19 luxury apartments called The The husband-and-wife team -- who own the commercial leasinvg and marketing firm Inc. in Saratoga Springxs -- say a hardware store is neede d downtown to serve local businesses and residents who must now trave l miles away tobuy tools, equipment and other supplies. They know the frustration firsthand after doing two residential renovationh projects inthe city, the Conservatory and Power Park Lofts in north Troy. “Ourt construction staff was running all over to pick up the JeffPfeil said.
“We were spending a lot of time drivinfg to Latham and I was hauling a lot from in We thought, ‘Gee, there’s a void Trojan Hardware on Congress Street recently closed after 94 yearz in business, leaving downtown with no otherd hardware stores. The closest is acrossx the Hudson River in Watervliet or uptown near the town of Pfeil Hardware will be part of inFort Wayne, the nation’s second largest hardware The store will be managed by Stevem Lesnewski of Pittsfield, Mass., who has more than 25 yearsz of experience in the hardwarer industry.
The 8,700-square-foot store will stocik hardware, small appliances, fasteners, electrical and plumbing supplies, Benjaminh Moore paints and other products. It won’yt sell lumber. The Pfeils have been planning the storse fora year. As part of their researc h they visited hardware stores in college towna and large cities to see what kinds of products customers They also searched hard for someone to managethe “The decision wasn’t final until we founc the right person,” Pfeil said. The Pfeilw have been in the commercial real estate and developmentf business for more than20 years, but this will be the firsr time they will own a store.
There’s a reason for “Because of all the years we worked with retailers very closelu we have a pretty thorough understandingof retail, that’ds probably why we never went into it,” Jeff Pfeil said. “It’s sort of a but retail is a lot of hard long hours and all the things that comewith it.” Still, they knew from personalp experience a hardware store is neededd and were encouraged by the results of theirr marketing studies. Finding a seasoned store managerr wasalso critical. Mayor Harry Tutunjian cheered the announcementy aboutthe store.
“Jeff and Deane Pfeil have a recordx of success in Troy and I am sure that this new venture will succeed as Tutunjian said. “The residents of Troy will benefir from having a well stockesd urban hardware store in the heart of the The opening of Pfeil which is tentatively set for will return retailing to a downtown buildingt that had long served as the homeof Stanley’sw department store. The building sat emptu for years before the Pfeils bought it and converted the upper floors into 19 luxury apartmentx they callThe Conservatory. All but two of the apartmentd were occupied as ofJuly 1.
The Pfeilsw declined to say how much they spentin start-up costs for the hardware store. Nor did they want to say how much they coule have received per square foot had they leased the first floore space toanother tenant. Lease rates in downtown Troy were $10 to $20 per squarde foot as of the fourth quarteerof 2008, according to CB Richard Ellis/Albany.