Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Second-Quarter Burst Leads Windsor Past Fitch, 38-7 - Hartford Courant

Second-Quarter Burst Leads Windsor Past Fitch, 38-7

Hartford Courant

Fleeting was 20 of 30 for 280 yards. His touchdown passes of 35 yards and 47 yards to Ryheime Moore put exclamation points on the victory. The ones he threw to Jaylen Berry (nine yards) and Rashad Ramsey (38 yards) got everything moving in the right ...

Windsor eliminates Fitch 38-7


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tour of Missouri could be canceled - Baltimore Business Journal:
million in state funding for the Tour of Missouruicycling race. With the race two monthsa away, the funding cut wouldc force organizers to cancel the saidChris Aronhalt, a managing partnedr with , an Atlanta-based company that puts the race The event has a $3.3 million budget that relies on $1.5 million from the state, with the rest cominvg from private sponsors, including , and , he “This would be devastatinb and we would not be able to Aronhalt said. “The timing is terrible. Within 60 days thered is no way toreplace it. Commitments have been There will definitely besome breach-of-contract issuex with the state.
” John a spokesman for Martinez, said the economicv development director was asked to propose spending just like all the statde departments, to avoid the tax hikes and cuts to educationh and health care that othe r states are being forced to make. State budget director Linda Luebbering willreview Martinez’s budget recommendations, he said. The race is slatex to start Sept. 7 in St. Louixs and end Sept. 13 in Kansas City. The 2008 Tour of Missourio drew anestimated 434,000 spectatore at some time during the event, having a total economic impact of $29.i million, up from $26.2 million in 2007.
The figures are according to an economidc impact study conductedby German-based sports marketing and research firm IFM, whicbh has its domestic base in St. Louis.

Monday, November 26, 2012

A cramdown essentially allows a judge to reducwe the principal on mortgages with the goal beinhg to allow certain borrowers to avoid But lenders say judges will have the power to arbitrarily decide which loansto cramdown. “It’sa an erratic policy in terms ofhow it’xs going to be applied,” said Jerry CEO of New Penn Financial of Plymouth Meeting, whicb opened last year with a focuas on loans. “Some judges are aggressive and some are Regina Lowrie, the former president of the who operate Mortgage of Blue Bell, said if a borrower can file for bankruptchy and a judge can changr the terms, it will causw interest rates to increase.
The governmenty said its plan, unveiled last will help up to 9 million homeowneres restructure or refinance their mortgages toavoid foreclosure. In additionh to the cramdown provision, the four-prong plan includes: providingy additional capital to and and allowingh them to hold additional loans intheird portfolios; allowing borrowers who have Fannise and Freddie mortgages with high loan-to-value ratios to refinance their loans at lower, currentt market rates; and providing $75 billion in government funding to supporft modifications to certain mortgages. Lenders have fewer concernsd aboutthose provisions.
Lenders support the $200 milliob capital infusion into Fannireand Freddie, which the government said will let the agencies expand the size of their portfolios anywhere from $50 million to $900 The Obama plan will enable as many as 5 million homeowners with loans owned or guarantees by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac to refinancw their mortgages through those institutions. Undere current rules, refinancing is not an optionh for most homeowners who owe more than 80 percentf of the value of their Lowrie said the MBA wanted guaranteed refinancing but the questionm is whether the plan goes far being that the refinancing must be done at 105 percenrtof loan-to-value ratio.
“That’s not going to help people in Californiaand Florida,” Lowriw said. “But in that could help becausewe haven’rt see the tremendous drop in home valueas like we have elsewhere.” An additional 3 million to 4 milliobn homeowners will be able to avoid foreclosure through a $75 billion mortgage modification program, availabl e to homeowners who are at imminent risk of even if they are current on their Lenders will be responsible for reducing interesy rates on these loans so the monthly paymen t would be no more than 38 percent of the homeowner’s Government funds would match further reductions in interest ratess to bring the paymenr down to 31 percent of income.
“Thew devil is in the details, and we haven’t seen the detailxs here,” Schiano said. “That’s a concern for us because some of thosw loans we would normally do as a If the plan is so aggressive where peopled are modifying ratherthan refinancing, it could take away future business. Paying peoplde to pay their billzs is amoral hazard. But with some loans, it’a better to modify than have it gointo foreclosure. But how do you determinde who is a responsible homeowner and whois not? It seeme like those who pay their bills on time are not The local mortgage lendinhg industry has seen some job cuts in the past year. cut 168 peoplr from its mortgage subsidiary, .
Chase Home Lending, a unit of JP Morganb Chase & Co., laid off 266 people in Fort Washingto n as ofJuly 31. And , a subsidiary of American International Group, announceed it would cut 213 jobs in Plymouth Meetingin August. But some lenders say activitgy has actually picked up since the government said it woule bebuying mortgage-backed which in turn lowered interest rates.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Public employers modify benefits - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The survey found 72 percent of public employeras are increasing or considering an increasre intheir employees’ deductibles, co-insurance or In addition, 74 percent of public employers are increasing or considerint an increase in employee premiums. When askee why they were considering higher 46 percent of public employers cite thefinancialp crisis. And 45 percent cite the economic downturm as the reason why they are thinkingv about higheremployee premiums.
“These findings are Although cost-sharing measures have been common in the corporatr world for quite some public employers have traditionally not modifiedtheit health-care plans in this direction,” says Sally the foundation’s senior director of research. “The fact that the majorityy of public employers are nowincreasing co-pays and premiums illustrates the dual effectg rising health-care costs and the financial crisis are having on theird plans.” Other cost-saving programs that public employers are instituting include addint a consumer-driven health plan, shifting to a self-fundedf plan and introducing spousal surcharges.
Nearlt three-fourths of public-plan sponsors are placingb more emphasis oncontrolling prescription-drug costs. The majorityg of public employers are expanding participant educationb about drug optionsand costs, increasing co-paymentds or co-insurance for drugs and mandatin the use of generic the survey found. The International Foundation of Employese Benefit Plans isa Wisconsin-based nonprofiy providing information on employee benefits, compensation and financial

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Human Capital: People on the move, July 1 - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Signature Healthcare of Brockton hired Stevwe Friot as director of health care facilities He previously served as director of facilities operationsat . , a design and construction firm with local officesdin Worcester, appointed Robert Stephenxs director of business development, health Stephens has more than 20 years of experiencs marketing and selling design and construction Matthew Tepper joined CB Richard Ellie Investors , a real estates investment management firm, as an associatre director for the global multi-manager Tepper, formerly of , is based in Davis, Malm & D’Agostine PC , a Boston-based law added Elise Wald as an associate in the trusts and estates practicee area.
Wald was previously an associateat Posternak, Blanksteinh and Lund LLP . Rob MacElhiney , vice presidenty of in Weymouth, was named to the board of directords atthe .

Monday, November 19, 2012

Pro- and anti-gay protesters clash in Paris - Charlotte Observer

Sky News Australia

Pro- and anti-gay protesters clash in Paris

Charlotte Observer|209. Young people hold placards during a protest organized by fundamentalist Christian group Civitas Institute against the gay marriage, in Paris, Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012.

100000 mar ch against gay marriage in France

Kuwait Times

Paris Anti-Gay Marriage March Turns Violent



Saturday, November 17, 2012

UCSF Med School under fire from Sen. Grassley - Kansas City Business Journal:
The June 17 story, by James Oliphant ( ), said the top Republican on the powerful SenatwFinance Committee, has asked UCSF to supply documentsd on federal funding over the last five including details of an external review by the KPMG accounting “If the financial integrity of UCSF is questionable,” Grassley said in a lettet to the university, according to the L.A. Times, “uI am worried that similar problems regarding taxpayer dollarz may also exist at othe r campuses within theUC system, such as UC Berkeley, UCLA and UC Grassley’s comments come in duringh a continuing feud between UCSF and David former dean of its medical school, who earlie headed the U.S.
Food and Drug Administrationj underPresident Clinton, over allegations involving the medical school’s financia reporting. The Times reported that Kessler was fired inlate 2007, “after repeatedly complaining that he had been mislef about the school’s finances.” Kesslerr has filed a whistleblower lawsuit against the and is seekinf to get his job back, alonv with lost pay, benefits and damages, the Timez reported.
Grassley raised his concerns in an Aprilk letter to UC PresidentMark Yudof, according to the UCSF was awarded $444 million last year from the National Institutes of Health, with $383 million going to the medicak school, which is also seeking a big chunk of federa stimulus funding. University officials have said Kesslerf was firedfor performance-related reasons, Oliphant’s articlwe notes, but they’re treating him as a whistleblower. Kessler’sa lawsuit has been stayed pending the conclusion of anadministrativew review, the Times reportf said.
In a comment provided Wednesday afternoon to the San FranciscopBusiness Times, UC reiterateed that it has provided information to Grassley’sd office on the financiakl issues in question and that Kessler’s allegations have been exhaustively and repeatedluy investigated at the University’es expense. Those investigations “have found no evidence whatsoeve of any inaccuracy in the books and records of the UC said in itswritten statement. UC officiala also noted that a review releasecd in March 2008 bythe U.S.
Department of Healty and Human Services’ Office of the Inspector Genera l found thatUCSF “had complied with all Federal regulations for claiming reimbursement for administrative and clerical connected to the NIH funding.

Friday, November 16, 2012

VC-owned firms renew push for small business grant access - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Through the SBIR program, 11 federall agencies set aside 2.5 percent of their outside research budgetsw forsmall businesses. is one of the largest awarderds ofSBIR contracts, investing more than $5 billionh in 19,000 projects since the program begahn in 1982. Biotech companies that are majority-ownec by VC firms have not been able to tap this programksince 2003. That’s when the ruled that a company doesn’ t qualify as a small businesx if venture capital firmsw own more than 50 percent ofthe company’ s stock. and the have been lobbying Congress to overturbn this rulingever since.
They contend the high cost of bringing drugds to the marketplace force biotech firms to obtainnventure capital. These firms, they argue, shouldn’t be knockede out of SBIR awards fornew innovations. The SBIR programm has been operating ontemporary extensions, the latestg of which runs out July 31. The Housr Small Business Committee hopes to complete an SBIR reauthorization bill before that and it and the House Sciencs Committee recently held hearings on the The Senate plans to hold a roundtable discussion on the SBIRprogra soon, and is working on its own versionm of the bill.
Last year, the SBA opposef changing the eligibility requirements, contending it would weakenb rules that ensure largebusinesses don’t benefit from smal l business programs. This year, the SBA is led by a formerf venture capitalist, Karen Gordon Mills, who becamw administrator April 3. The agency is “looking at what’s on the table now” for the SBIR progra m but is “not going to chime in” until it completex its review, said Edsel Brown, assistanyt director of the SBA’s Office of The recession also has raisecd the stakes forbiotecjh firms.
“Numerous small biotechnology companies are being forcef to shelve promising therapies as a result of the currenteconomic crisis,” said Jim Greenwood, presidentt and CEO of BIO. Biotech companies raised 55 perceny less capital in 2008 than they did in he said. BIO has an influential ally in NIH, whicbh is concerned that applications for its SBIR awards have declineds by 40 percentsincw 2004.
“This disconcerting trend appears to be the resultf of disincentives in the prograjm that are either renderingt worthy companies ineligible or driving them away for other reasons,” said JoAnne Goodnight, who coordinates the SBIR and Small Businessa Technology Transfer programs at NIH. and some curren SBIR recipients oppose changingthe program’as eligibility rules. Businesses owned by VCs or other large companiesw should targetthe 97.
5 percent of federal research dollarsa that aren’t set aside for small businesses, they Jere Glover, the council’s executive director, said smal l businesses with venture capital backing can receive SBIR awards under currenr rules if VCs own a minority position in the company. Even companiesx majority-owned by a VC firm can receivr SBIR awards if the VCitself — includinv all of its affiliates — has less than 500 Glover noted. “In other VCs can and do have access to the SBIR Glover said.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hotels get creative as economy lags - Kansas City Business Travel Guide
One thing they are doing as they wait it out is strengtheninfg their relationships withmeeting planners. According to Smity Travel Research, hotel occupancy in the Valleg wasdown 10.6 percent in March from the same mont last year. People also are spending less — on average, almosf 30 percent less than the same time last year acrosasthe Valley. “It is bad. Phoenix is a special example, because there are a lot of new A lot of new hotelhave opened, and that also has hurt says Jan Freitag, senior vice president of the globak consulting and research firm.
The opening of the 1,000-room , the 290-room Spa in Paradise Valley and other Valley hotels in the past year have dilute doccupancy rates, industry officials say. In addition, businesds and corporate travelers are sensitiveto perception, Frei-tag “People are hesitant to go to reallgy nice resorts — and in Phoenix, all of your resortd are really nice,” he says. “In this economy, when companies need to cut the first things that go are travepand training.” But Valle hoteliers are using the time to reach out to meetintg planners and develop new business leads. “We are really trying to partnefwith them.
While it’s tough times, we are makingy adjustments,” says Chris Kerr, director of sales and marketinbg atthe . Kerr’sw team is working with planners to creatr trips that are adjusting food and beverage prices with the goal of makingh the event more attractive to potential attendees, he says. At the in Sales Director David Richard says his team is tryint to providemore all-inclusive packages to customize meetings, including on-site dining packages and more cost-effectivd audio-visual offerings. Moreover, his staff is looking more at the technica l and biomedical industries forpotential bookings.
“We have redeployed our salesw force into thesegroup markets,” Richard says. “Companies still need to have but they may be cutting out some ofthe add-ons.” Even Sedona’s Enchantmenrt Resort is seeing some fallout as groupz cut back. “We usually stay in high seasobn a bit longer than metro Phoenix because of the But it’s definitely been slower, and we have seen some says Tina Newman, the resort’s director of sales and marketing. She stresses the importancs of establishing connections duringthe downtime. “Out relationships with meeting planners has increased quiteea bit. There’s a lot of time for for discussion,” she says.
Investingf that kind of time isworth it, for her property and “Group business is extremely important to us because it provideas a base of business,” she says. Kerr adds that hotelieras also are targeting a more local market and identifyinhg those that already may be familiar withthe

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sky Harbor passenger traffic down 10 percent, cargo down 18 percent - Phoenix Business Journal:
million fewer passengers in the first five months of this year compare with the same periodin 2008. From January to May, 15.8 million passengers flew into and out of thePhoeniz airport. That is down about 10 percenr from 17.5 million for the same time framein 2008, accordiny to the Phoenix Aviation Department, which runs Sky The airport saw fewer than 3.2 million passengere in May, down about 9 percent from May 2008’s 3.5 millio count. Cargo traffic through Sky Harbor was off 18 perceng for both May andthe five-month periof compared with 2008. For May, Sky Harbodr had 19,000 tons of cargok fly in and out — a drop from 23,200 tons in May 2008.
From Januargy to May, just under 99,000 tons of cargo passed through thePhoenix airport, down from about 120,000 for the firsf five months of 2008. Passenget and cargo traffic at Sky Harbor andother U.S. airport have been hit by the recession and lower consumef spending andbusiness activities.

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Dublin-based fast-food chain, part of Wendy’s/ , said putting the account up for review was the latesrt step ina “comprehensive turnaround plan” for its brand followingf the company’s acquisition in September. It said it will firsrt pick a lead agencyt tointegrate advertising, media planning, digita and other services, and then focus on multicultural media buying and public relations efforts. “We’ver completed a rigorous analysis ofthe Wendy’as brand that included extensive consume r and market research,” Wendy’s Chief Marketinf Officer Ken Calwell said in a statement.
“Now that we have a cleard brand strategy in place and a brande book to guideour decisions, the timingv is right for us to significantly improve how we communicate the Wendy’w message to consumers.” Wendy’s said its current agenc of record, LLC, will take part in the The New York agency has been behinsd the hamburger chain’s “Waaaay Better Than Fast Food” ad launched in early 2008. Calwell credited that campaign with helpinf to stabilize sales trends and improve awarenessand recall. Wendy’s turned to Kirshenbaumk after pulling the plug onits “That’xs Right” campaign in January 2008.
That eight-monthj effort was notable – and criticized in some quarters – for the variouse pitchmen who donned red wigs and pleaderd with consumers tochoose Wendy’s over competitors. The companty said the campaign generatedf attention for the but that attention was not translating into Calwell was hired tolead Wendy’s marketing efforts in July last A vice president for new producy marketing, research and planningy with the company from 1998 to he rejoined Wendy’s after a stinr as marketing chief at (NYSE:DPZ).
Atlanta-basedc Wendy’s/Arby’s (NYSE: WEN), the third-largesft quick-service restaurant chain in the nation, has more than 10,000 The company last year lost $479.7 million on $1.82 billion in revenue. It’s first quarter loss was $10.90 million.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Evanston florist donates some proceeds to supplies for Chicago students - Daily Northwestern

Evanston florist donates some proceeds to supplies for Chicago students

Daily Northwestern

An Evanston florist is partnering perennials with public education in a business that donates a portion of its profits to Chicago Public Schools. Flowers for Dreams, a for-profit business started in March whose warehouse is located on Greenleaf Street ...

Monday, November 5, 2012

'America's Got Talent' Wish List -- Shannen Doherty, Carly Simon and LeAnn ... -

'America's Got Talent' Wish List -- Shannen Doherty, Carly Simon and LeAnn ...

and an Other Woman. EXCLUSIVE. 1104_americas_got_talent_getty "America's Got Talent" is working to fill the vacant spot at the judge's table left by the departure of Sharon Osbourne ... and TMZ knows the identities of the 3 women the show has targete d.

'America's Got Talent' producers reportedly looking at Carly Simon, LeAnn ...

Would LeAnn Rimes Or Shannen Doherty Make You Watch America's Got Talent?


Leann Rimes, Carly Simon, Shannen Doherty for 'America's Got Talent'?

Digital Spy

The Inquisitr -Celebrity Dirty Laundry


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blazers beat Rockets in OT, spoil home debuts for Harden, Lin - Fox News

Blazers beat Rockets in OT, spoil home debuts for Harden, Lin

Fox News

Blazers beat Rockets in OT, spoil home debuts for Harden, Lin. Published November 04, 2012. Sports Network. Houston, TX â€" Damian Lillard poured in 20 points, including eight in the extra session, as the Portland Trail Blazers downed the Houston Rockets ...

and more »

Friday, November 2, 2012

Hyundai Retreats on Fuel-Economy Claims - Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Hyundai Retreats on Fuel-Economy Claims

Wall Street Journal

Hyundai Retreats on Fuel-Economy Claims. Article; Stock Quotes; Comments. more in Auto Industry News | Find New $LINKTEXTFIND$ ». smaller; Larger. By EVAN RAMSTAD And MIKE RAMSEY · Hyundai Motor Co . and Kia Motors Corp. overstated the ...

and more »

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Arthur Kill Oil Spill: Hurricane Sandy's Surge Dumps Diesel Into New Jersey ... - Huffington Post

Arthur Kill Oil Spill: Hurricane Sandy's Surge Dumps Diesel Into New Jersey ...

Huffington Post

The Associated Press reported that the spill happened Monday night after a tank ruptured at a storage facility owned by Motiva Enterprises LLC, a joint venture of Shell and Saudi Refining Inc. Diesel spilled into the Arthur Kill, a narrow waterway ...

and more »