Sunday, December 30, 2012
Florida Bank raises $18 million - Wichita Business Journal:
The Tampa-based parent company for Florida Bankraisefd $18.3 million in a rights offering, which “strategically positions the company to take advantage of growt h opportunities,” the company announced Tuesday. The completedf offering surpassed offerings tracked by SNL Financiapl from public banks based in Floridawthis year, which ranged from $428,000 to nearlyt $11 million as of May 31. Floridaz Bank Group is a private bank. “Most banks in the United States and in Florida need to rais additionalequity capital.
It is particularly difficult for them to do so as many have had negativs earnings in 2008 and first quartet 2009 and the market prices for publiclyt held bank stocks are trading at recordf low prices in terms of the ratiio of market price to tangiblebook value,” said Ben chairman of Jacksonville-based investment banker Allen C. Ewingb & Co. “In regards to the Floridaw BankGroup offering, this offering was very successfulk in that they apparently raised $18 million, or 90 percentf of their target raise of $20 especially in these existing markeyt conditions.” Florida Bank has three branches in Jacksonvillre and 16 throughout the state.
Prior to the completedr equity raise, Florida Bank had a total risk-basesd capital ratio of 11.7 percent as of March 31, accordingh to the Federal DepositInsurance Corp. Regulators require that ratio to be at leasy 10 percent in order for the bank to beconsideredr “well-capitalized.” The bank grew totak assets by 64.3 percent to $858.34 million in the first quarter comparexd to a year earlier. Total loans increased 51.4 percentf to nearly $665.8 million and totao deposits jumped 85.2 percent to $687.
54 million during that same “This infusion of new capital is a vote of confidencre from our existing shareholders that will allowFBG (Florid a Bank Group) to enhance its financiaol strength and even further distinguish itself among other banks in the market said the company’s Chairman and CEO, Robert in the announcement. “This economic climate offers uniqure opportunities to grow and increase our custome r base as consumers and businesses are seeking safebanking institutions.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon vacation in Australia - New York Daily News
New York Daily News | Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon vacation in Australia New York Daily News Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey are spending some quality time down under, vacationing in Australia ahead of the songstress' week-long concert tour in the land of Oz. The couple landed in Queensland with twins Monroe and Moroccan, and daddy Nick ... Daddy d uty down under! Nick Cannon holds daughter's hand as he goes on ... Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Touch Down in Australia Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Arrive in Australia With Dem Babies (PHOTOS) |
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Art show raises funds for victims of 'Pablo' - (blog) (blog) | Art show raises funds for victims of 'Pablo' (blog) Ushimaru said two of his employeesâ"Mitsuo Saito and Yokoyama Kazushiâ"were directly affected by that calamity. âThey also understood what the (typhoon) victims are enduring now,â he said. Aside from handing out relief goods, Ushimaru said his ... |
Monday, December 24, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
New Legislation Would Slam the Brakes on Arbitrary Data Caps - LAPTOP Magazine (blog)
New Legislation Would Slam the Brakes on Arbitrary Data Caps LAPTOP Magazine (blog) Nothing gets a diehard cord cutter sputtering like bringing up broadband Internet data caps, but that'll change if new legislation proposed by Oregon Senator Ron Wyden manages to worm its way through Congress. Wyden's bill, dubbed The Data Cap ... |
Friday, December 21, 2012
Lee decides against reverse stock split - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Mary Junck, chairman and chief executive officer, said the board considereds currentmarket conditions, business forecasts and otherf factors that could affect shareholder including the prospect of remaining in compliance with rules for continued The NYSE notified Lee (NYSE: LEE) in Decembetr 2008 that the company was not in compliance with its continued listing standard of at least $1 a Since then, the NYSE announced that the standarxd has been temporarily suspended through July 31. As a Lee has until Dec. 3, to return to compliance.
Lee was tradinb at 55 cents a share Wednesday In February, the Iowa-based company it took on when it bough the Post-Dispatch and restructured future payments under its $1.1 billion bank financinf arrangements. The remaining debt balance of $186 millio n has been refinanced by the lendersunti 2012. Newspaper publishers nationwide are strugglinyg with declining advertising revenue as readers flock tothe
Thursday, December 20, 2012
'Up' avoids 'Hangover' at box office - San Francisco Business Times:
"Up" brought in an estimatesd $44,244,000 in its second weekend, beating out the new release from , which brought in an estimatedx $43,275,000. Another new release, 's "Lanrd of the Lost," came in well in third with anestimaterd $19,524,000. According to a report on Box Office whichtracks box-office revenue, "Up" was shown on about 6,700 screens at 3,818 sites and "Thwe Hangover" was shown on abou t 4,500 screens at 3,26o sites.
Coming in fourth was last week'ss number-two movie, "Night at the Museum: Battl of the Smithsonian" from , whichh brought in an estimated Rounding out the top fiveis 's "Star Trek," which brought in an esimated The report says that "Star has brought in $222.8 million in 31 days, makinh it the second-biggest box officr smash in the "Staer Trek" franchise, when adjusted for ticketg price inflation.
The top spot belonge to the original "Star Trek: The Motion
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Hospitals Fear They'll Bear Brunt of Medicare Cuts - New York Times
New York Times | Hospitals Fear They'll Bear Brunt of Medicare Cuts New York Times Published: December 18, 2012. WASHINGTON â" As President Obama and Congress try to thrash out a budget deal, the question is not whether they will squeeze money out of Medicare, but how much and who will bear the brunt of the cuts. Let's Be Honest - Medicare is Insolvent And Doctors Soon Won't Accept It The toxic Medicare payment panel ABOUT MEDICARE: What's new in Medicare for 2013? |
Monday, December 17, 2012
Yemeni Jews to be participate in national dialogue - Jerusalem Post
Yemeni Jews to be participate in national dialogue Jerusalem Post While the final number of Jewish delegates remains uncertain, Jews and other Yemeni minorities, like the black people known locally as Akdam, are slated to participate in the conference, according to Nadia Al-Sakkaf, spokeswoman for the National ... |
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Denver gives out 1,234 free building permits - St. Louis Business Journal:
The free permits issued underdthe city’s “Home Renovation program saved residents an estimatecd $85.774 in fees, officials Building-permit fees normally range from $20 to severapl thousand dollars, depending on the value of the The program aimed to boost the local economy by encouraging home-improvement projects. The free permits, available June 1-15, are for commo n improvement projectsinvolving single-famil y homes and duplexes. “We wanted a bonanza and it seemws wegot one,” Denver Mayor John Hickenlooperr said in a statement. “We hoped to stimulated the local economy by offeringb an incentive for resident to make improvements totheir property.
This is a good sign that people are moving forward and doinf what they can to get our economy back on The permits are valid for180 days.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Business Legislation: Tax ache
New York’s bordering states often providrthe toughest, everyday competition for attracting businesses and creatinf jobs. And Paterson’s changes to New York’s Empire Zone tax-break program will dictate the state’sw ability to set itself aparg from its neighbors when theeconomy “I’m not talking about leveling the playinfg field with North Carolina. I’ m talking about Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts,” said Alexanderr “Sandy” Mathes, head of the Greenew County IndustrialDevelopment “Those are our most aggressiv competitors.
” New York and its neighbors are facingh many of the same challenges, ranginh from an aging population and infrastructur to rising property taxes and utility bills. All of these create a drag on the Such “costs of doing business” ofte n handcuff economic development efforts, which is why New York’s neighbors use programe similar to the Empire Zones to alleviate that Meanwhile, business owners who benefit from the program are scared of what Paterson’se changes will do to their own abilitgy to compete, or at least survive the ongoing recession. Alan president of in Glenville, is one of them. Solids Surface began receiving Empire Zone benefitsw inearly 2002.
Boulant pledged to invest $900,00 0 in his facilities and create 25new He’s done more than that: By mid-2008, employmenrt had nearly tripled to 85 workers. Annual revenue had quadruplex to $10 million. The recessionm then began reversing thosee gains as consumers cut theid spendingon showers, countertops and othert products the Glenville company selles and installs. Boulant, who consideres himself an Empire Zone success cut15 full-time workers in the second half of although he’s been able to hire back some of Another 30 workers had a weeklong, unpaied furlough this month.
“The state of the economy, it scare s the hell out of you,” said Boulant, who has receivef $500,000 of benefits through the EmpirreZone program. “If we don’g get those benefits, that’s just extra money we have to come up he added. “We’d have to eliminatse positions.” Paterson wants to restrict the state’s Empire Zone tax breaks to companiew that generate atleast $20 of wages and benefits for ever $1 that the state invests in Certain sectors, such as utilities and retail, would be banneds from the program.
Both movees are reactions to criticism that the Empire Zone program is rife with companiesw that cheatthe system, receiving thousandw of dollars while creating just a few jobs. Spendingh on the program has growjn 75 percent in the pastfive years, on pace to hit $610 millionb next year; Paterson’s proposal would cut spending by 45 percenty and remove an estimated 2,10 0 companies—close to 25 percent of all participants in the Empirre Zone program.
“We have to face up to the fact that we need reform of ourEmpire Zones,” Paterson said this Still, Paterson told an audiencre in Watertown this month that he’s willing to reconsiderr the scope of his desired reforms, adding that he did not want to gut a programk that seemed to work in upstate arease like the North Country, and smallk cities like Watertown. The governof did not alter his Empire Zone proposal in budgegt amendmentssubmitted Jan. 15, meanintg that legislators will decide whether toadopt Paterson’ s recommendations or change them. A new state budget by law, be adopted by April 1.
That uncertaintgy makes Solid Surface’s Boulant nervous, althoug h he wants to see more accountability inthe program. His storhy illustrates the challenges confrontiny Paterson and legislators as they seek to stop abuse of the progra m without punishing the businesse s that strive to hitthe program’sd intended goals: job creation and investments in the Mathes, for one, wants to see a streamlined approach. He says the current systek forces some business owners to hire accountantsa to help calculate benefites and processstate paperwork.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Street & Smith
The publication, citing Equity in Athleticsd Disclosure Act forms fromthe U.S. Department of said Columbus-based OSU had almos t $118 million in revenues duringthe 2007-098 school year. That was second only to the University of whichhad $120.3 million. The University of Cincinnatki and other localuniversitiexs didn’t make Street & Smith’s top 20 list. Othee regional schools in the rankiny include the University of Michiganat No. 4 ($99 the University of Wisconsinat No. 5 ($93.5 million); Penn State Universith at No. 6 ($91.6 million); the University of Notrse Dameat No. 14 ($83.4 million); and Michiganb State Universityat No. 16 ($77.7 million).
The toppeds the revenue listing for basketball with $23.5 million in revenue for and the was 10th, with $14. 9 million. Ohio State ranked fourth for footballkprogram revenue, with $65.2 million. Street & Smith’sz is a publication of American CityBusiness Journals, also the paren of the Business Couriere .
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Atlanta Hawks owner in good spirits - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
a partner in the city’x and franchises. Despite a federap lawsuit with a member of the ownershi p group set to be decidedsthis summer, and court documents showingh poor financial performance, the ownership groul is still strong, Gearoj said. “There’s one reason I got into this and that’s to Gearon said. “You want fans focused on the team, not the In a wide-ranging interview, Gearon discussed the state ofthe finances, the lawsuit within the ownership the improvement of the teams under LLC’e ownership and the need to make each franchisd better for the 2009-2010 season.
The financial conditiohn of the teams has made headlinex since court documents in a federal court case showedthr teams lost acombined $174 million over six In October, court documents also showee the teams had lost $40 million in 2002 and expected to lose $55 millionh in 2003. The Hawks and Thrashers on opposite ends of the winning spectrunin 2008-09 — had collectively one of theirf best seasons operationally since the Atlanta Spirit Group purchased them in 2003, Gearon said. “Thed [financial] losses have come down substantially from where they were when we boughtt theteams [while fielding] a better he said.
The teams’ combined annual losse s have been inthe $10 million to $20 millioh range, Gearon contends. The Hawks have improved each of the past five and had its best season in a decade on and off the courgin 2009. The Thrashers, dreadful at the startf of the season and next to last in attendanc e inthe NHL, finished the season “I think we feel very good about where we Gearon said of the Hawks. “We had 18 sellouta this year, the largest attendance for the Hawks atPhilipss Arena.
” As for the Gearon said there are some concerns, but the season’ finish has left the team with “a lot of While still in the red collectively, the teams are in better shape than many in professional sports, Gearomn said. “Both teams are They have zero [bank] Still up in the air is a lawsui with estranged ownerSteve Belkin. The case, which shoulr be decided in a Marylanxd federal courtthis summer, centers on the process Spiritr partners Gearon, Rutherford Seydel, Bruce Levenson and Ed Peskowitz proposed to buy out Belki n of his 30 percent stake in the teams and operatin rights at Philips Arena.
On reports the group is looking for new Gearon said: “We’re always dointg that and that’s just smart business.” Putting out a bettert product solves everything, and that’s something Gearon said his partnerw have always intended to do. The Hawkas had their best year in a decadwlast season, winning 47 games and a playofg series before falling to the in the seconx round. The Hawks remain 20th in attendance inthe NBA. Attendance was up 3 percenr in 2008-09, to 16,751 per game, said Tracy chief sales officer forAtlantq Spirit. Overall, attendance to NBA games was up 0.
7 percent last The Hawks are third in the NBA fornew season-tickef purchases and renewals have been solid, Gearo n said. “We feel very good about our coreand re-signingg our core, and if there’s a way to improve on we will,” Gearon said. Starters Marvin Williamzs and Al Horford were injurec duringthe playoffs, as was shooting guarsd Joe Johnson, who Gearon said suffered from an undisclosesd foot injury throughout the second half of the season.
Williams (a restrictedr free agent), Horford and forward Josh Smitu are all young stars inthe Williams, or one of the othef restricted free agents on the team (players that canbs tendered an offer, which the Hawksarse permitted to match), could be targets for a sign-and-tradw deal, to bring in new talent. Talk is also rampin up that former Hawks swingt man Josh Childress could rejoi the team aftera one-year stint in The Thrashers, which had a woefup season and have been the subjecft of rumors about a possible sale and relocationn to Canada, have struggled with attendance.
Gearon said the team isn’r going anywhere, and promisedx it would build upon its last 28 gamesd ofthe season, when the team played its best Thrashers attendance was down 7.6 percent, whiled attendance league-wide grew 1.1 percent. Gearon said ownershilp has been deserving of some of the criticismn it has received forthe Thrashers. The team is committexd to re-signing its star left wing, Ilya as well as finding a dominanrt center andfinding immediate-impact players in the upcoming draft, he said.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Spin-off consulting firm helping San Antonio companies manage change - Washington Business Journal:
The new company is called (Transformin Business Operations). It was formed in Januar y 2009 by a core group of 15 former Holland Davis consultants. TBO focuses on organizational changw to help clients keep up with evolvintgmarket conditions. In just six months, the companh has grown to 20 employees and expects to doubled in size to 40 people by the end of the according toSkeeter Lieberum, senior partner with TBO. The firm has officexs in Houston andSan Antonio, but most of the new hirew will be based in the Alampo City, Lieberum says. TBO currently has 12 employees in theAlamio City.
“We’ve got a mix of people with experiencwe inIT security, tourism, manufacturinvg and much more,” Lieberum says. “It is hard to find a compan that has all those things to the depth thatwe have. We have the abilith to play in allthos sectors.” Lieberum, who spent 24 yearss in the Air Force and 12 years with Hollans & Davis, says TBO has an more experienced group of consultantds working for it than is common in the Lieberum came to San Antonio to support Hollane & Davis’ San Antonio offic as it worked with San Antonio-based insurance giangt . “USAA had us out there when they started lookin at changing their Lieberum says.
That change eventually includes opening up their services to military men and womenb in theenlisted ranks. The company’z services had previously been limited to The San Antonio office ofHolland & Davis soon expanded and begann working with retail, banking, real financial services and oil firms, including , , and . Now most of thos clients and several others, including , are working with the TBO spin-offc group. TBO operates under a fee-based system. Lieberumm declined to reveal revenue figures forthe company.
Alan Markert, senior consultant with TBO, had a 30-year career with H-E-B where he served in various executive positions over including vice president of finance and vice president ofinformatio technology. He says he joined TBO because the company has similar values to his and becausew he enjoys working withthe people. “W e all have different skills and experiencezs that tend to complementone another,” Markerft says. “Very often someone will have the uniqu skill set that fits just what you need when workintg witha client.” Lieberum notes that TBO has severap retired military people on staffd as well as former executivesw with and USAA.
Most everyone comes in with years ofcorporatwe experience, he says. “One of our objectivesd is to bring in the right expertf at theright time,” Lieberum says. in itself, saves the customers a lot of timeand ” The pace of changse in the business world has only increaser with the proliferation of technology and it is becoming harder to resist the call for change, Lieberum Companies today are lookinb for tangible benefits that can be gainerd from making changes, Markert They are looking for ways to reduce TBO goes in and helps theirr accounting departments and information technology (IT) departments to better manag these changes so that they align with theid core business functions and don’t do more harm than “When times get tough, companies play a more defensive and if they are not careful, they can get entrenchedr in that mode and neglect to plan for succesxs over the long haul,” Markert says.
For example, if a compan responds to a downturn by sharply reducingy staff and laying off a lot of peopls with experienceand training, then when things it has to spend a lot of time and money rehiringf and retraining people to get back to where they TBO’s objective is to help companiex make reductions more efficiently, so they don’t keep findingv themselves in that position. “There are partds of the economy that are stilkpulling back, but I’m starting to see guarded optimism from some Liebrum says. “It is better than I expectex it would be at this To take advantage ofthese times, companies need direction on which changes to make and when, he says.
“Thw logo on our business cards is a triangl because that is the Greek symbolfor change,” Lieberunm says. “That is who we are. We are agents for change.”
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Christmas cheer: all present and correct â in pictures - The Guardian
Christmas cheer: all present and correct â" in pictures The Guardian Christmas cheer: all present and correct â" in pictures. The pine needles, the price, the environmental impact: who needs a Christmas tree? Instead, create eye-catching displays of decorations, baubles and gifts around the house. Share · Tweet this ... |
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Dallas Movers All My Sons Moving Launches Social Networking Sites for Marketing on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
These initiatives were developed by the ConsumerResourcezs Department, which is tasked with developing and disseminatingf the information necessary to help consumers understand the issuexs related with moving and supporty them in offering resources to help them with theidr moving needs. The is striving to make this the most effectivw consumer information knowledgebase provided by the moving will use Twitter to keep people updatedon up-to-the-minute news and trendsw in the moving industry and other newsworthy The Twitter functions like a "mini blog"" that offers moving tips, packint tips and other information pertaining to moving.
will use Bloges to offer information on each All My Sons Corporate locationx and to provide direct contact with thelocal . The Movingh Company's YouTube Page is a greatr site for anyone looking to understand the fundamentalz ofmoving services. The site offers a host of greagt video content featuring noted movint company experts acrossthe country. Last but not least, the movingy company's Facebook Page will leverage all the interactivity Facebook and the Facebooi wall haveto offer. Headquartered in Dallas, TX, servicew 23 states nationwide. Founded in 1995 and beginning with one All My Sons Moving and Storage pioneere the concept of providinv a friend in themoving business.
All My Sons Movin and Storage recently openerd their first location inMexico City, takinyg their commitment to quality service for an affordablew price international. All My Sons Movinyg is also launching the site this year to show support for thei rlocal communities. More information about All My Sons and its serviceas can be obtained throughthe company'xs Web site at . Visit All My Sons Movingy on Wikipedia at For career information go to the Careedr site at Book with All My Sons Movinh online today at Forgo to
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Santa Clara approves financing for 49ers stadium - Triangle Business Journal:
City Councilors Will Kennedy and Jamie McLeod were the only ones to side with the dissenterz in the audience who opposede any public subsidy forthe stadium. The 5-2 vote on a $79 millioh subsidy for the project came aftera two-and-a-half-houf presentation and lengthy publix comments that included concernsw raised by the owner of California’sx Great America, Cedar Fair of Sandusky, has been negotiating to sell the sprawlint thrill-ride park which is next to the proposed stadium site to the An attorney representing the park John Hickey of , asked for a delay on the decision.
“Ww want to reach an agreementr (to sell the park), but while you have been workingv on the term sheet for we and members of the publix have only had two business days to read thiscomples document.” Hickey said he was surprised at earlie r comments made by Jennifer Santa Clara’s City Manager, that he regardee as overly optimistic about the closenesz of an agreement between Cedar Fair and the 49er to sell the park.
Jed York, presidengt of the 49ers, praised Sants Clara officials forcreating “ths best infrastructure in the Bay Area” and told city officials and a crowed of more than 150 onlookerw that the proposed 68,500-seat stadium to be built on an overflow parkiny lot at the amusement park would not only host up to 10 NFL game annually, but possibly a varietg of glamorous events, including the World Cup soccee tournament, in the future. Stadium proponents also view it as a likelg venue formajor concerts, collegwe football bowl games and even the Supert Bowl.
“I feel the excitemengt in this city aboutthe stadium,” York “This deal will make Santa Clara a better placew to live, work and play in the As part of a 40-year agreementf with the 49ers, city officials agrees to contribute $79 million to the project, includinfg $42 million in redevelopmenft agency funds, $20 millio from the city-owned utility district to relocatw an electrical substation near the site and $17 millioj to build a parking That figure is well below the $222 millionn city officials proposed spending on the projectf when it was first proposed two years ago, as they citeds the poor economy and shrinking city revenue as reasonsx for a much-reduced Another $35 million would be raised by a tax on guestz staying at any one of eight hotels in the city’s Nortuh Bayshore redevelopment area surrounding Greatt America.
City officials stress no Generak Fundmoney -- which pays for city services such as fire, parks and libraries — will be used to pay for stadiumk construction or operations. A Stadiumj Authority, a joint powers governing body comprised of city and team along with the 49ers and the NFL would be responsibldefor $825 million in stadium construction costs under the
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Bracket Briefing: Is Mountain West better than Pac-12? - USA TODAY
Bracket Briefing: Is Mountain West better than Pac-12? USA TODAY 2012 - Welcome to the fourth edition of Bracket Briefing, our attempt to ensure that readers won't have to wait until March to know who C.J. McCollum is. Team of the Week: No. 15 San Diego State (6-1). The best college basketball team in California is ... |
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Novo Nordisk Warns Customers About Stolen Insulin
June 13 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Novo Nordismk product previously reported as stolen in Northn Carolina has resurfaced recentlyt at a medical centerin Houston. Three lots of 10 ml viald of insulin, marketed under the branfd name Levemir(R) (insulin detemir [rDNA origin] injection), were takenn in the original theft and identifiable by the followinglot XZF0036, XZF0037, XZF0038. A vial or vial s of stolen insulin from lot XZF0037 was discoveresd this week at a medicall center in theHouston area.
Insulin from thesee lots did not circulate through the normal Novo Nordisjk distribution channel and therefore properr storage conditions for the insulin may not have been Patients can locate the lot number on the side of the box of insulinh or the side of the If a patient finds their insulinb is from one of thestolen lots, they shouldf not use the insulin and contact Novo Nordismk Customer Care Center at 1-800-727-6500 for further information and The safety of our patients is of paramouny concern and we are workinfg with our partners, the pharmacy, the FDA and law enforcemenr authorities to investigate the situation and take immediatr steps to maintain the highesty standard of safety and quality for our Levemir(R) is indicated for once- or twice-dailu subcutaneous administration for the treatmen of adult and pediatricx patients with type 1 diabetees mellitus or adult patientds with type 2 diabetes mellitus who requirer basal (long-acting) insulin for the control of Lev emir(R) is contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to insulin detemir or one of its excipients.
Hypoglycemia is the most commojn adverse effect of allinsulin therapies, includingy Levemir(R). As with other insulins, the timing of hypoglycemixc events may differ among variousinsulijn preparations. Glucose monitoring is recommended for all patientswith Levemir(R) is not to be used in insulin infusion Any change of insulin dose should be made cautiouslty and only under medical supervision. Concomitant oral antidiabetesa treatment mayrequire adjustment. Inadequate dosing or discontinuation of treatmenty may lead tohyperglycemia and, in patients with type 1 diabetic ketoacidosis.
Levemir(R) should not be dilutedf or mixed with any other insulin Insulin may cause sodium retention and particularly if previously poor metabolic control is improve d by intensifiedinsulin therapy. Dose and timing of administratiomn may need to be adjustesd to reduce the risk of hypoglycemiq in patients being switchedto Levemir(R) from othedr intermediate or long-acting insulin preparations. The dose of Levemir(R) may need to be adjustedx in patients with renal or hepatic impairment.
Other adverse events commonlyt associated with insulin therapy may include injection sitereactions (on average, 3% to 4% of patient in clinical trials) such as lipodystrophy, redness, itching, hives, swelling, and inflammation. Less common, but more seriousa are severe cases ofgeneralized allergy, including anaphylacticd reaction, which may be life threatening. is a registered trademark of NovoNordism A/S. Novo Nordisk is a healthcare company withan 86-yeard history of innovation and achievement in diabetea care. The company has the broadest diabetes produc t portfolio inthe industry, including the most advanced products within the area of insulinm delivery systems.
In addition to diabete care, Novo Nordisk has a leading position within areas such ashemostasi management, growth hormone therapy, and hormonwe therapy for women. Novo Nordisk's business is driven by the TriplsBottom Line: a commitment to social responsibility to employeeds and customers, environmental soundness and economi c success. With headquarters in Denmark, Novo Nordismk employs more than 27,900 employees in 81 and markets its productss in179 countries. Novo Nordisk'sx B shares are liste d on the stock exchanges in Copenhagen and Its ADRs are listed on the New York Stocmk Exchange under thesymbol 'NVO'. For globap information, visit ; for Unitee States information, visit .
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Equal and inalienable rights for all - Maple Ridge News
Equal and inalienable rights for all Maple Ridge News âAll human beings are born with equal and inalienable rights and fundamental freedomsâ â" United Nations, Dec. 10, 1948. On Nov. 8, 2012, the highest court in the land affirmed this declaration when it ruled on the 15-year-long legal battle of a public ... |