Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Red Hat joins Cisco's server push - Triangle Business Journal:

Cisco (Nasdaq: CSCO), the San Jose tech said Monday that plans to sell servers for data the locations that house big computer systems. Cisco’s move into servers is in contrast withthe company’sa traditional business of selling the router and switches that direct Internet traffic. Among Cisco’sz allies in the move: Raleigh-based Red Hat RHT), the provider of open source computer software. In open sourcer software, programming code is shared freely amongy a communityof users. Red Hat’ss Enterprise Linux software, which competes with operatingf systems suchas Microsoft’z Windows, already is used to power many corporat e data centers.
The company makes money by selling subscriptions to the softwarre that includecustomer support. Now, Red Hat the Enterprise Linux software will be compatible with the new Ciscol UnifiedComputing System. The two companieas have been working together for the bette part of a year to make sure that Enterprise Linuxx works with theCisco products, Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurstt says on a posted to The Cisco products also will run on Microsoft’s Windowd platform for servers, though companiews will also be able to use virtualization software to run Enterprisse Linux on Windows machines. Virtualization software enables multipled programs to run on the same bitof hardware.
Cisco’z latest move also should affectt other companies with operations in Research Triangle Data storagecompany (NYSE: EMC), which has RTP operations, is anotheer Cisco partner. And (NYSE: IBM), which does much of its served work atits 11,000-employee RTP campus, will be a primar competitor of Cisco’s in the server

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