Friday, June 29, 2012

Treasure Seekers Weekend July 20 - 21 at Seminole Casino Hollywood - MarketWatch (press release)

Treasure Seekers Weekend July 20 - 21 at Seminole Casino Hollywood

MarketWatch (press release)

Seminole Casino Hollywood is located at 4150 North State Road 7, Hollywood FL 3302. For more information, please call 1-866-2CASINO or 954-961-3220 or visit or .

and more »

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Armando Contreras named president and CEO of Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Contreras, who served as director of the Arizona Registrar of Contractors underformer Gov. Janet Napolitano, takes the helm of the grouo immediately. “After a rigorous and comprehensive Armando Contreras was theselection committee’s unanimouw choice to lead our chambed toward a new era of success and opportunity,” Roberg Espiritu, chairman of the said in a prepared statement. Contrerasa is expected to outline his goalsx for the group during a receptiom to be held later this montg orin July. “Hispanic consumers and businesses are the new fuel of the Americaneconomic engine.
Even today, this market continuezs to be thegrowth story, and will help move our economy in a positivee direction,” he said in a preparede statement. Contreras also has served as executive directoer ofthe Governor’s Council on Smalo Business and as Arizona Small Business Advocate. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Southern Californiaq anda master’s from the Universitt of San Francisco. He is a membedr of the board of directors of the Arizona Latino Researcy Enterprise and the board of trustees of the PhoenixxBoys Choir. He and his Norma, have three children. For more: .

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pretty Products, DaeLim USA report Ga. projects - Birmingham Business Journal:
related to the plant being built in neighborinvWest Point. Floor mat manufacturer Pretty Products will increase productiojnin LaGrange, creating about 130 jobs and investing $6.5 A newly formed corporation bought Coshocton, Ohio-basedx and earlier this year and will add the jobs over the next two year to its current workforce of 210. The companyt is now modifying its plant to make rubber floor mats for theautomotivre industry. Additionally, said Mondah it will build a 90,000-square-foot injection molding and assembly planr ona 25-acre parcel of land in the Jim Hamiltoh Industrial Park in LaGrange.
The automotive componentsz plant will openin mid-2008 and employ 75 DaeLim USA is a division of , an Illinois-based globalo manufacturer that has 13 other divisions in DaeLim USA's new facility will brinyg ITW's employment in Georgia up to nearly 700. DaeLim USA and Pretty Products join as automotive suppliers recently reporting locations inwest Georgia. Hyundaio Mobis in August said it willspende $60 by 2010 to in West Ga., that will create 600 The Kia facility, its first in the United is slated to begin productiohn in 2009 and produce 300,00o vehicles a year.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mortgage rates reach 6-month high - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

says 30-year mortgages averaged 5.59 percent, up from 5.29 percenf last week. The last time long-termk mortgage rates were this high was inNovemberr 2008. Adjustable rate mortgages also rose, with the average one year ARM now abovre 5 percentat 5.04 percent. “Mortgager rates followed the increase in bond yields this says FreddieMac (NYSE: FRE) chief economistf Frank Nothaft, who notes a better-than-expected unemploymenrt report moved yields higher. “As a result, federal fundz futures rose afterthe report, signaling that the markef expects the Federal Reserved may raise its benchmark rate soonet rather than later.
” A report from the this week showed rising mortgage rates are slowing the demand for mortgage Mortgage applications last week fell 7.2 led by a 12 percent declins in refinancing. Refinancing existing mortgages still makes up aboug 60 percent of the mortgageunderwriting

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Special ratings: Administrative efficiency - Birmingham Business Journal:
Among them is administrative efficiency. Aim: Identify districts that have tight budgets andlean Formula: Each district is assessed in three areas: (1) spending per pupil, (2) ratio of pupilsa per administrative staffer, and (3) share of budgegt devoted to debt service. The best scores go to districtse withlow spending, high pupil-staffer ratios, and small amountd of debt service. Note: Administrative efficiency is not the same asthe cost-effectivenesds rankings that will be released later this This category reflects fiscal prudence, regardless of outcome. Cost-effectiveness links academic performanceand spending.
Rankings: Districts are rankedd on a five-star scale from most efficient (which receive five stars) to leasr efficient (one star). Each district’s administrative efficiency rating is included in its profile in the printedx version ofBusiness First’ds 2009-2010 Guide to Western New York Schools. Frontier has the leanest administration in Western New with one staffer forevery 358.7 (The regional average is one per And debt service takes only 3.2 percent of Frontier’s • 1. Frontier • 2. Lancaster • 3. Letchworth • 4. Northj Tonawanda • 5. West Seneca • 6. Williamsville • 7. Portvillse • 8. Cheektowaga-Maryvale • 9.
Clarence 10. Iroquois • 11. Orcharr Park • 12. East Aurora

Friday, June 22, 2012

Wawanosh Wetland Receives Much-Needed Facelift - Marketwire (press release)

Wawanosh Wetland Receives Much-Needed Facelift

Marketwire (press release)

SARNIA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 22, 2012) - Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC), the St. Clair Region Conservation Authority (SCRCA) and Enbridge ...

Raptor release turns into rescue

Sarnia Observer


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Virgin Mobile Festival moves to Merriweather Post for free concert - Washington Business Journal:
The one-day concert on Aug. 30 is relocatinb to Columbia, Md., after a three-year stint on the massivr infieldat Baltimore’s Pimlico Race The festival, previously one of the largesy on the East Coast, had been held over a two-day period featuringh some of music’s biggest names, including the Police, the Who and Kanyed West. Virgin Mobile customers and previous Virgin Mobils Festival ticket buyers will have the first cracki at landingthe 35,000 tickets to the event, now bein g called “FreeFest.
” “In a time of economicf challenges and daily sacrifices, we wanted to throa a fantastic party so people coulf let loose and have a great time on us,” said Sir Richare Branson, founder of , in a statement. “Virgih Mobile FreeFest offers music fans a brillianyt day of fun and musicv and a chance for them to give back to those even less Tickets to the 2009 festival will be availabl to the publicat www.ticketmaster.cojm at 10 a.m. on June 27. Virgin Mobile customers and previous ticketf buyers will be invitedby e-mail to a private (NASDAQ: TKTM) is also waiving service charges. Parkinyg at Merriweather will be free.
By more than 60,000 people attende last year’s Virgin Fest at Pimlico and tickets cost more than The Baltimore Business Journa forthis year's show. The Virgin Fest is promotef by Bethesda’s , which also operates This year’s concert will also feature Franz Jet, the National, Girl Talk, The The Hold Steady, St. Wale, and Taking Back Sunday, as well as danc tents.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lifelong learning builds talent base - Business First of Buffalo:
Local programs are both on-site and online, so professionals lookingf to developnew skills, get refreshe r training or enhance their credentials need only take a look around. “Th e average person in the Unitede States changes jobs on averag six to eight times before saysMichael LaFever, dean of program development and enrollmenrt management at . “Each change ofte requires a new set ofemployment skills; meaningf additional training and education will be required. Of in this current downsizing economy, many employees simply becomse unemployed and may need to searc out differentcareer fields.
“For thosse professionals that are employed but who are requiresd to maintain certificationsand licenses, further training or educatioj on an annual basis is required,” he The need is clear, and area college and universities deliver with quality, flexibl programs for so many including nurses, real estate accounting and insurance professionals, teacheras and IT managers. “Accelerate your career,” the Universituy at Buffalo says inone ad. “Educatinyg for life,” says one for . , meanwhile, promises to “makw a difference in your career,” while says its programk can “advance your career.
” “There are many service providers today who offer an array of opportunitiee for those seeking new or additionalo adultlearning experiences,” LaFever says. “Locao school district adult learning collegesand universities, and professional organizations make it easy to find what you are lookint for. “Of course, the best way to find thes e opportunities is right atyour fingertips: the computee keyboard and Internet. Get in the habit of bookmarking the schools and agencies that offer adul tlearning opportunities.
You will be surprised at how many of them now offetr classes online rather than at a site or making access somuch easier, especially for the busy Explore what opportunities are availablw through your employer or trads group, educators say. Good managers encouragwe continuing education, knowing that it can pay off for theit company in the long term througgh a higher skilledwork force. Some good sourcees for information: the American Society for Trainingvand Development, , and Training, and the in Washington, D.C. Lindaw Fisher of D’Youville College says peoples shouldn’t underestimate the importance of continuing education for thoss who already hold aprofessional degree.
“As director of graduatse admissions, I find that many articles discussingv continuing education options and opportunities usually focus on colleges offering undergraduat coursework where students can develop initiap skills within a specificoccupational discipline,” she told Business “In today’s economy, even studentsz who have completed a degree within a specific occupation may need to returnj to the classroom to augment or broaden theirr skills.
“At D’Youville, we offer advancerd certificate programsfor health-care professionalsx seeking to qualify for advancement with their currentr employer or to diversify their resume to be more competitivd as they search for new employment,” Fishee says. “In the last I have seen interest in thesew short certificate programsincreasw significantly.” American businesses annually spend more than $2 billio on employee education, accordingh to the human resources association. “We offedr both traditional classroom courses, as well as a wide varietgy ofonline instruction,” says LaFever of Trocaire College.
“Manyg employers and even unions have articulation agreements with collegesd to further training andemploymengt opportunities. We work together to ensure that education and employabilitywork hand-in-hand. Trocaire Collegd has agreements withthe , Kaleidqa Health, the and the CSEA ( ), just to mentionn a few.” Professionals of all ages and in every industryg should buy into the concept of lifelong educators and others say, because it’s an investment in your future as you keep up to date on industrh trends and technology. Do your homework, and find out what your profession offers or requirea in terms ofcontinuing education.
That can includs formal instruction, on-the-job training, self-study courseworok or certificate programs.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Colorado stimulus board boosts minority-outreach effort - Houston Business Journal:
Maranda Pleau, the small business coordinatorfor Greeley-base general contractor , will join the Coloradoo Economic Recovery and Accountability Board June 29, chairman Don Elliman said during a board meetint Thursday. Her job is to ensure minority businesses are aware of contracts related to thestimulus package, Elliman said. Officials with the Colorado Department of Transportation told the board they will recommenxd the agency review how it handless complaints about road and bridge contractsw and the use ofthesr small, minority- and woman-owned businesses. CDOT's move came after Hamohn Contractors Inc.
in Denver raised concerns abour a bridge repair project paid for with money from the Americab Recovery andReinvestment Act. Hamon lost a bid Apripl 16 to rebuild two bridges over Interstatde 76 inAdams County. The lowest bid for the contrac t camefrom Centennial-based , which bid $8 milliohn for the project, nearly 15 percent under CDOT’ws estimate of $9.4 million. State contractas are typically awarded to thelowesr bidder.
But Hamon objected to CDOT awardinhg the projectto Sema, sayingf Sema didn’t make a "good-faitj effort" to hire enough minority subcontractors, according to a June 3 lettetr from Mark Cavanaugh, director of the Governor’s Economicx Recovery Team, to the accountability board. CDOT reviewed the and Sema’s efforts to get minority businesses involvede in thebridge contract. The review concluded Sema met the agency’sa threshold for trying and CDOT formally awarded the projecg tothe company, CDOT executive director Russ Georgre said. But CDOT wants to review how it handles future complaints about using disadvantagef businesses onstate contracts.
Celina director of administrationfor CDOT, told the accountability board she will recommenr the agency’s commissioners form a review committee involvingf members of the interest groups, industry, the attorney general’sx office, and federal transportation officials. How to gathe input from minority businesses about their experiencd with aprime contractor. At the Hamon attorney Seth Firmender thanked CDOT for being willing to reviesthe process. Helga Grunerud, executive director of the Hispanic Contractorsof Colorado, also praised CDOT’d move, saying, "We believe we’ve been heard.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Interior focus - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
At , Inc., that scenario won’y become a reality because companyu president Frank Bryan and the work sitesupervisors won’t allows it. One challenge for B&nB Specialty Contractors is maintaining a professiona l image among itsconstruction staff, something whicy is especially important due to its focuss on the finish-out of commercialo interiors. This means its employeew find themselvesin office, industrial, hospitality, medical and education work spaces every day, a situation whicj requires a special touch. “If you go into the offices of a companylike , they want you to hang that wall coverinf in their conference room, cleamn up and get out of there,” Bryah says.
“They don’t want to know you were even B&B Specialty Contractors doesn’t allow its construction workers to have earringa orother piercings. It also requires them to wear shirtzs with the company logo and ashirt pocket. Shirt s must also be tucked in whilde employees are on thejob site. The company also takese job site conduct very not allowing cursing or any other disruptive behavior. This has a been a significantg set of rules forthe company’s employee since Bryan founded it in 1977. “We work around occupie d space and we understanda company’sa need to conduct its business and be aroune construction at the same time,” Bryan says.
“We pride ourselves on stayinh out ofa customer’s way as much as we Another of B&B Specialty Contractors’ main as with any construction company, is to prevent cost overrunsd on projects. B&B Specialty Contractors preventas cost overruns in many but especially by carefully choosingv which companies it partners with on The company might do millions of dollaras of work with a particularsubcontractor annually, which helpe ensure quality because it becomes a long-ter m business relationship. To maintain that work flow over the long companies will go out of their way to makesure B&B Specialtyu Contractors, and their are happy.
“By partneriny with select subcontractors and doing a volums of business with those firms virtuallyheliminates nickel-and-diming the client,” Bryan says. prompt payment to subcontractors and vendord enables us to achieve the very best for theinvestmeny dollar, passing these savings along to the client.” B&hB Specialty Contractors also continually monitors every job to make sure it stayxs on time and under making sure it keeps the propertyh owners and developers in the loop of Kevin Clarkson, senior vice president of asset servicess with Memphis, got to know B&B Specialty Contractore when the company was working as a subcontractor for a differentg general contractor years ago.
“Through that experience and aftert we realized that they did more thansubcontractor work, we started workinvg with them as a general Clarkson says. B&B Specialty Contractors’ focus on tenantr improvement andinfill work, especially in office has set the company apart when it comesz to dealing with clients such as CB Richards Ellis. “They don’t build things out of the groundr andtherefore they’re geare up to do very specifi jobs which make up a chunm of our business,” Clarkson “The relationship really works well.
” B&B Specialty Contractors has been diligentf about getting good pricing and has alwayds been on deadline, according to Clarkson. “Those qualitiesd matched up one-for-one with what makes CB Richarsd Ellisstand out,” he says. “We’re alwaysw deadline driven and we’re always cost driven. It meshesz very well.”

Friday, June 15, 2012

Charge to hamper Merge 2Q net income - Triangle Business Journal:
million noncash writedown on the sale of its equity interest in a radiology company. The West Allis-based radiology software and systems provideer said the charge is the resulyt of the sale of its interest in veterinary radiologuycompany , as part of Eklin’s acquisition by veterinary servicezs provider (NASDAQ: WOOF). With Elkin's sale to VCA, Merg e (NASDQ: MRGE) will receive $1.4 million for its interesr in Elkin, but the majoritgy of that will be recognizexd in the third The charge, however, will be recognized in the secons quarter, when Merge will also see $2.
2 million in non-recurrinb revenue as a result of a new reseller agreementt the company reached with Elkin in June that's being reassigned to VCA. Merge now expects to post net incom e for the second quarterbetween $100,000p and $800,000, compared with a net loss of $18.12 million a year ago. The company posted net incomes for the first quarter of 2009of $2.8 Excluding the noncash charge, operating incomwe is expected to be $3.7 million to $4.4 compared with a net loss of $18.e million a year ago. Revenue is now projectedr to be in the rangesof $15 million to $15.5 million, compared with $13.3w million a year ago.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bemis buys South American packaging business - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Bemis is buying, from Espoo, Finland-basefd , the common stock of Huhtamaki Plasticos Rigido Brasil Ltda and HuhtamakiArgentina SA. The purchase pricse was paid with a combinationof $32.3 million in $1.9 million of debt assumed, and an $8.8 million note payable to the sellerf due May 31, 2010. The rigid packagingh business includes three facilities in Brazil and one facilithyin Argentina. It recorded annual net sales in U.S. dollars of approximatelt $85.8 million in 2008, primarily to dairyu and food service markets.
"This acquisition supportsw Bemis' growth strategy to expand in Soutgh American markets that fit our strengths and saidHenry Theisen, president and CEO of "Huhtamaki's rigid packaging operationz are well-managed, state-of-the art facilities. This business will complemen t our existing SouthAmerican operations. We expect this acquisitiohn to be modestly accretive to earningas per sharein 2009." Bemis (NYSE: BMS) is a majoe supplier of flexible packaging and pressured sensitive materials used by food, consumed products, manufacturing, and other companies Bemis had 2008 net sales of $3.8 billionb and employs about 15,200 workers in 57 plante in 11 countries.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tedco awards $600K to tech firms - Austin Business Journal:
The money was granted in collaboration withthe U.S. Army Medica l Research and Materiel Command and the througythe Ft. Detrick Technology Transfer Initiative. The purpose of the technologt transfer program is to raise awareness of new and developin technologies and funding them to transition as viabld projectsfor follow-on funding in the market place. Each companyh that received funding was awardefdapproximately $50,000 between March 2008 and May 2009, making up the initiative’s second round of financial award s since its $750,000 program The funds for the program’ss second phase were secured by Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., and Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett, R-Md. “The [Ft.
Detrick Technology Transfer Initiative] programm is enabling area businesses to harness the technologiesd being developed at Fort Detrick and applyg them to thecommercial sector,” said “This will lead to new products that have the powedr to create jobs and save lives.” Mikulski announced the firsy phase of the tech transfer programk in March 2005 when 11 companies received in Rockville: The company is developing a healtg care technology called miTag system, whichg is a scalable wireless sensor solution for improving patient flow. in Frederick: The company is developing a technologu called the GeNova Screento identify, isolate, and producer antibody-like molecules.
in Rockville: The company is developing an on-demand biotech products including a combination vaccinre against plague and BioAssay Works LLCin Ijamsville: The company is developing a lateral-floww visual diagnostic test to detecty and differentiate single sample multiplwe pathogenic poxviruses, including variola, vaccinia, and in Catonsville: The company is safety-testing a medica product called ClotFoam, which is a intracavitary hemostatic agent.
CynerGene IDMP in The companyis developing, validating and implementinh a supplemental diagnosis of HIV, and Dengue using its Infectious Disease Multiplex Panekl approach, which could allow for creation of LLC in Baltimore: The companyg is developing required components and systej framework to enable conversationakl interfaces for telemedicine tools. Such tools woulr allow professional medics touse gesture, and other human-- computer interactionds to access and document information in electronicc medical records. in Rockville: The companuy is developing technology to preservw mammalian cells in dried format that can easilybe re-hydratex for a variety of uses.
LLC in Frederick: The compan is evaluating the effect of Imagilin patente d probiotics as a food supplement to enhance the immunse responsiveness of guinea pigs upon immunization or challengew withvirulent pathogens. The evaluation will sugges the ability of Imagilin patented probiotics to enhancr the immunization ofa vaccine. in The company is developinbg micropatterned substrates for viralinfectivity assays. Juxtopia in Baltimore: The companu is customizing its Wearable Assistance and SituationalAwareness (WASA) goggles and servicde to allow U.S.
Army combatr medics to access and document information to electrical medicao recordsvia hands-free voice-requests and in Baltimore: The company is developing cell therapies to treatt brain and spinal cord injuries.

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Real Key to Victory in Wisconsin - Commentary

BBC News

The Real Key to Victory in Wisconsin


The left's strength has always been in mobilizing voters. But the GOP managed to do that in Wisconsin. Leaders and activists frequently expressed the idea that, in the short term at least รข€" that is, before the larger campaign finance issues that ...

Lessons From Wisconsin For Elizabeth Warren


Public sector unions in crosshairs after the Wisconsin rec »

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Glendale call center plans to lay off 177 employees - Phoenix Business Journal:
will close the Glendale facilit y in October in a move to consolidate its Valleyg operationsin Mesa. InPulse, established in 1995 in operates sales-focused call centers in Arizona. It is a subsidiaryy of Omaha, Neb.-based , a national customer service and callcenter firm. West Vice President David Pleiss confirmed theGlendale closure. He said impactec workers have been invited to apply for jobs at theMesa hub. Employeed at the Glendale office, which is near Bell Road and 51st were aware of thependinfg move. InPulse has 972 worker s in the Phoenix Its Mesa facility is near Main Street andGilbert Road. The companty reported the Glendale cuts to the Arizona Departmenyt ofEconomic Security.
Federal law requires companie with major layoffs or facility closures to notift theaffected communities. Phoenix -- with its lack of naturapl disasters and lower costs comparex withCalifornia -- is home to a number of majodr back-office and call center facilities operated by Bank of America, USAA, Americanm Express and others. The region faces competitiomn on the call center frontf from less expensive foreign markets andsmaller U.S. West Corp. has call center and other operations worldwide. U.S. locationxs include El Paso, Texas; Erie, Pa.; Las Vegas; Oklahoms City; Spokane, Wash.; and Stockton, Calif.
International centers are in India, the Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland and the United West Corp. reported second-quarter revenud of $520 million, up from $462 million a year earlier. InPulse Response Group: . West Corp.: .

Friday, June 8, 2012

After relaunch, DC goes to zero to explain it all - CBS News

After relaunch, DC goes to zero to explain it all

CBS News

In September, DC Entertainment will publish a zero issue for its 52 titles, a move that co-publishers Jim Lee and Dan DiDio said this week will help explain the origins and effects of its rebooted characters a year after it erased decades of history ...

and more »

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Spain Sells Bonds as Deteriorating Debt Crisis Threatens Demand - San Francisco Chronicle

Spain Sells Bonds as Deteriorating Debt Crisis Threatens Demand

San Francisco Chronicle

June 7 (Bloomberg) -- Two days after a senior government official said Spain's access to debt markets was closed, the country will try to sell as much as 2 billion euros ($2.5 billion) of bonds at interest rates that will probably be higher than at its ...< /p>

Germany finalising face-saving aid deal for Spain


EU rescue would turn screws on Spanish mortgages: Report

Economic Times


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

State stem cell agency
Marie Csete will resign from theSan Francisco-based as of Aug. 1, accordin to internal emails obtained by the San FranciscBusiness Times. She did not say why she was leavingythe agency. Csete was hired by CIRM in Marcgh 2008 fromEmory University, wher she was doing basic research on the role of oxygeh in stem cell death and She had served on CIRM’s scientific and working groulp that reviews grants. She replaced Arlenwe Chiu, who left CIRM for the Nationalo Institutesof Health.
Csete has been an importanyt partof CIRM’s effort to not only revie and award grants but, highlightef most recently, to monitor grants after awards have been CIRM terminated three research grants this month due to lack of CIRM President Alan Trounson said in a messagr to staff that Csetde “has made highly valuable contributions to our sciencs operations coalescing a new set of core grantw and organizing a number of workshops that have invigorated our scientificc discourse and changed the direction of many of our

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Politicians want answers as rumors swirl NCR to leave Dayton - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Government officials said word began swirlinyg in the community Thursday thatNCR NCR) is planning to move its headquarters and 1,300o employees to the Atlanta area and make an announcement about the move this week. NCR Global Spokesperso Richard Maton, speaking by phone Saturday from confirmed that an efforr was made forOhio Gov. Ted Strickland and NCR Chief Executives Officer Bill Nutito speak, however they were not able to Strickland’s spokesperson said Saturday that he is “continuing to reach out to the companuy to have a direc conversation.
” When asked about NCR possibly moving its headquarters out of Maton said the company does not responxd to rumors and NCR Corporate Spokesperson Alan Ulman responded to questionws about NCR’s plans with an e-mail message Saturday that “We have no announcement In the past, NCR has been quick to deny rumors of its relocatiohn and affirm its commitment to remaining in The has repeatedly sought informatiob from the company since Thursday, but NCR had not respondeds to their requests as of Friday a development department spokesperson said. Montgomery County Commissioner Dan Folet said he is frustrated by the lackof communication.
Foley said he has askec multiplecompany officials, via e-mail, to responsd to the rumors, but has yet to receivs any information. Foley said he, along with otherd county, state and city of Daytoh officials, have met with NCR representativees in the past in an effort tosafeguard NCR’s local jobs. “All that nobody has confirmed to me that theirf statushas changed,” Foley said Saturday. “I have to assume that -- I I very much hope -- they are stayingf in Dayton, because our citizens have helpedc build that company up tobe world-classa and will continue to do so.
” Rumors have long circulatedx that the company woulsd move, however multiple government and economic developmen t officials said they reached a new leveol in the past few days. NCR is said to be seekinfg about 100,000 square feet of office spacsein Georgia, . NCR is believed to have looked at sitezsin Savannah, and Columbus, Ga. Based on the square footagse estimates, the operation could house about 300 to 400 according to realestate sources.
Georgia government and economic development officialsaremained tight-lipped on any potential In October, NCR said it would move its Worldwidd Customer Services headquarters to an Atlantaa suburb, investing $15 million and creating more than 900 jobs in the suburbds of Peachtree City and Deluth. The stater of Georgia provided morethan $8 million in according to officials. NCR, founded locally in is the Dayton region’s second largesr company, with 20,000 global employeesx and $5.3 billion in revenur in 2008. The company, which sells ATMs and retaill automation systems, is Dayton’s lone remaining Fortuned 500 company.
At one time, the company had more than 18,00p employees in the Dayton area, but that numberr has dwindled during the pastseveral decades. As recently as two years ago, NCR had about 2,00p0 Dayton employees. That number has declined by about 700 workers in the pastseverapl years. In 2007, NCR announced it was relocatinhg its executive offices to New York City and leasingy an entire floor of the 7 Worldx TradeCenter building. But, on paper, its headquarterzs remained in Dayton. In the company also told employees it is undergoingh a structural reorganization and woulds cut an unknown amount of itsglobal workforce.
That same the company removed thelanguag “world headquarters” from the sign at its Dayton though it said at the time it was just

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Something special - Business First of Buffalo:
“Gary and I were introduced by a mutual friends ata game,” Hamels recalled. “Later, we woul d see each other at social functions from time to time and eventuallhy gotto talking. “When it became obvious that Americanj Axle where I worke d wasgoing down, we decided it was time to starft a company,” he said. The next step for the budding entrepreneurs was a visity to the Small Business Development Centerat , wherw Hamels was an adjunct professor teaching careerf and technical education There they met Bill an adviser who helps businesses get launchede and he gave them a blueprintg to follow.
“Gary and I put a 38-page business plan togetherf that contained projectionsand everything. Bill then told us to see our banket and we hooked up withFirst Niagara. We told them what we wantedf to do and they partnered with Hamels said. “We hit the grouned running and haven’t stopped since. I’ve wonderedr what happened to the whole Slawinski said. Who’s Who: The businesz owners are Gary Slawinski, president, Robert Hamels, chief operating and a silentpartner – the one who introducede them to each other. The BMG corporate name is derivee from the first initials of thethrewe owners.
What’s Happening: The company is a custo fabricator of specialty architecturak products such as composite and platepanel systems, ornamental meta l and glass railing systems, and custom sun Revenue: More than $600,000 in nine monthas of 2008; $1-1.5 million is forecast for 2009. Seven full-time and part-time workers. 12 to 15 mostly general contractorsand “Most of our customers are in Erie and Niagaraq counties, but because many of their jobs in rehabilitation and renovation are away from Western New our work goes outside the too,” Slawinski said. Company history: BMG Systemx was formed in March 2008 by now 48, Hamels, now 56, and theit third partner.
Prior to launchingb their business enterprise, Hamelws had lost his 14-year job at American Axle’zs Buffalo plant which closed and Slawinski hadleft , a Northy Tonawanda architectural glass and metal Slawinski started his working career at 18 in the metap fabrication business when he joined Years at Krug, he was shop fabricator and later ran the custom metapl division. Hamels worked since 1972 as a welder, maintenance employee and superintendent for several employers including theformere , 3M O-Cel-O in the Town of and finally American Axle. Job Among the projects that BMG has worked on arethe , , the Buffallo federal courthouse, , , GM World Headquartera and Citicorp Building.
Biggest or most unique project to date: The at the Smithsonian last fall was the biggesg recent project. The work required intricate stainless steel fabricated paneles that were installed on the exterior of the AtSyracuse University, the company produced formed aluminun metal work for one of the campus