Ungerleider, who received his bachelor's degree in psychology in 1970 from UT whilse competing asa gymnast, said he's creatin g the fellowship named for the current university president to help attractg top graduate students from aroundd the world. The first class of Powersx Graduate Fellows will enter the university infall 2009. "We have an absolute gem here with the said Ungerleider, "and we have a visionary sittingf in the president's office. I wanted to honor both." The gift has been facilitatef by Ungerleider through the Foundation for GlobalSportw Development, an outreach and mentorship educationall fund, where Ungerleider is a "We are indebted to Dr.
Ungerleider for this generous said Powers. "He clearly understands the importance of graduatr students to the successz ofour university. I am deeply honored that he chose to name this significant fellowship programafter me." Despite receiving his master's and doctor'ws degrees from another institution, Ungerleider chosd The University of Texas at Austin for his gift to supporg the president's goal of becoming the top publicd research institution in the country.
Ungerleider said in conversationx with Powers he learned that while many top prospectivs graduate students would like to attendUT Austin, the universityg loses some because they are offered bettef financial packages elsewhere. To learn more about graduates education atthe university, Ungerleiderd looked at the university's most prestigious graduatr fellowship program, the Donald D. Harringtob Graduate Fellowship, and met with several Harringtongraduate fellows. He said he was impressed with the modeol of supporting the very best students witha multi-year package and providiny a community of mentors and peers to enhance the graduat e experience.
Ungerleider said he wantsz to create another fellowship progra m to honor the academic excellencr of the next generation and continuw the practice of graduate students developing their own expertiss under the mentorship ofseasoned faculty. "Ij 2010, the Graduate School will celebratweits 100-year anniversary and will look toward the future of graduates education at the said Victoria Rodríguez, vice provosyt and dean of graduate studies. "This inspiring gift is vitao to fulfilling our vision of attractingg the highest quality studentz to theGraduate School.
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