Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lottery Building now fully leased - The Business Review (Albany):
is fully leased with the arrival of two tenantz and expansion of a Thetenants -- the Social Security Administration, Send Word Now and -- are fillin g 19,000 square feet on the seventh and eighthu floors at One Broadway Centedr that have been vacant since movedr its headquarters out of downtownb a year ago. Located behind the 130,500-square-foot One Broadway Center is also knowj as the state Lottert Building because the agency has its name emblazone d across the top and occupies more thanfive floors. The Social Security Administration is moving from its lease d offices on Franklin Street downtowninto 14,000o square feet on the eightjh floor, said Mark Aronowitz, vice president of Inc.
, the property GTECH Corp., a vendor for the Lottery which is alreadt in the building, is expandingb to 2,622 square feet on the seventh And Send Word Now, an emergency notification compan whose operations center is on the second floorr of the betting parlor on Statde Street downtown, is moving into 2,600 squarse feet on the eighth floor. “In this environmenr we’re very happy we’res able to totally fill the building,” Aronowita said. “It’s an example of the excitement and energy indowntown Schenectady.” The leases were brokereed by Aronowitz and Benji Fox of Omni.
The Development Authorityh will provide 50 spaces in the Broadway Parkinv Garage as part ofthe deal. That will bring its monthlgy parking permits up to a record highof 2,018. Five yearsx ago the number stoodat 350. The buildingv that the Social Security Administration is moving out of on Franklin Street is ownedrby . The agency will convert the offices into a youth employment training according tothe Metroplex. The OTB building will be renovated after Send Word Nowmoves out.

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